
30th Jul 2011

The Net (1995)

Corrected entry: The plot of this movie depends on Sandra's character receiving and particularly sending a floppy disk by FedEx. But she has obvious high speed Internet access. She could have sent the file by the 'Net. And she obviously has the technical chomps to package it and send it safely. There is just no logical reason that someone so technically savvy would have sent a virus by FedEx rather than transfer it electronically. And just in case someone wants to suggest she feared anti-virus filters, simply encrypting the file would have protected it from any anti-virus filter and only allow it to be opened by the intended recipient, much safer than sending it by FedEx.


Correction: Back in the time that "The Net" was made, transferring files wasn't a big deal - however because many viruses first hide a piece of code in the master boot record of the floppy, and then use stealth techniques to hide the actual pieces of code etc. It may not have been easy to transmit the virus in a simple file format. Also, just because SHE had the ability to do something to this effect, does not mean that the people she was sending it to would have the knowledge or ability or equipment to decrypt and/or replicate the actual content of the diskette on the other end. Anyone that buggered up their DOS boot disk back in the 80's to early 90's is well aware that creating a diskette with the master boot record intact was not a feat achievable by the average file recipient.

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