
Question: What is the name of the instrumental track that plays where Akasha tells Lestat "I'd like you to kill her" and Jessie is turned into a vampire? It's beautiful but I don't know the title, and it's not on the original soundtrack.

Answer: There were two soundtracks for Queen of the Damned: one of rock songs by Jonathan Davis and others, and a score album by Richard Gibbs. The track you are talking about is "Long Live Jesse" from the score album.


Chosen answer: The song is "Headstrong" by Earshot. It's track 11 on the soundtrack album.


Question: What is the music the music box plays (the tune is heard during the Jesse dream sequence mostly)? Was it written for the movie? If it was, what is it called and where can I find it, and if it isn't, is it possible it uses some of the same chords as another song and I am picking up on that one? If this is the case, what is the other song that it sounds like? I've heard of such things happening, for example one of the songs from Aladdin. I've searched and I can't find the answers to anything.

Answer: The music box tune was specially written for the movie by composer Richard Gibbs. It is also used as the background music for the DVD menu. The track is available on the Queen of the Damned Score CD (not to be confused with the rock soundtrack), it's called "Jessie's Dream".


Answer: But what is the name of the instrument song of the DVD main menu? I can't find it any where on YouTube can someone help find it I want it for a ring tone fory cell.

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