
3rd Jul 2005

Kelly's Heroes (1970)

Corrected entry: When Kelly drives into the American area after capturing the Colonel we see an M16 (Multiple Gun Motor Carriage) firing its machine guns into the air. What are they shooting at? Its an artillery barrage not an air raid, and Big Joe even comments later on that it's too lousy to fly so it couldn't have been enemy aircraft.


Correction: The M2 machine gun can be used in an indirect fire role similar to artillery/mortars. The unit was either attempting to break up the advancing attack at long range with "plunging fire" from their location or they did not have direct sight of the opposing force on the far side of a hill and were "plunging fire" on that normally geographically sheltered area.

11th Jul 2005

Kelly's Heroes (1970)

Corrected entry: When Mulligan is sleeping his alarm clock goes off. Kelly arranged to start the mortar attack at 2100 hours (9 PM). The alarm clock does not read 9 when it goes off.


Correction: This scene is an example of the indifference and incompetence of Mulligan's command of the mortars to deliver accurate fire at precise time coordinates, as Mulligan demonstrated in the first part of the movie, when Big Joe complains about Mulligan not giving him "three minutes" before Mulligan started firing off the mortars and dropping them all over the place. For Mulligan to not launch a barrage on time and target is in character.


15th Jul 2008

Wanted (2008)

Corrected entry: Try Googling Wesley Gibson. Disregarding results about the film, there are still plenty of websites that show up.


Correction: It's part of the plot of the movie, just pointing out that he's a nobody.

15th Jan 2006

Hostel (2005)

Corrected entry: When the Japanese girl is looking into the glass at the train station towards the end of the movie, you can see her real eye underneath the makeup of her gouged eye.


Correction: I just watched the scene several times, and you never see her real eye under the makeup.

Just watched the movie and you can see the reflection of both her eyes in the glass.

Regeneration - S2-E23

Corrected entry: In First Contact we see that the Borg don't need to breathe. Therefore, there is no reason for the drone to gasp for air after his systems are reactivated.


Correction: It is never said that borg do not need to breathe. In the scene in First Contact, the borg are walking in vacuum without spacesuits. We are never told how long they can go before refreshing their air supply. Whales and turtles etc can go underwater for very long periods before needing to surface to breathe once again.

Soylent Purple

Corrected entry: When Paige asks her mother for a time check, her mother says "10:45." Later, when she is driving behind the tractor she looks at her truck's clock and it reads 9:59.


Correction: According to the subtitles the time the mother gives is 9:45 so the timeline is correct.


Corrected entry: When Luke is knocked off his tauntaun, there is a clear shot of blood on his face. In the next shot (after his tauntaun is knocked down) it is gone. In the next shot is there again.


Correction: When the wampa knocks him to the ground, there's blood on his face. Then the tauntaun is knocked down, and there's still blood on his face. Then the wampa drags him off, and there's still blood on his face.

K.C. Sierra

Corrected entry: When Luke is attacked by the wampa, the wampa knocks him off his tauntaun with a clean hit to the chest. In the next shot there is blood on his face.


Correction: There is no clean hit to the chest: it's around the back of his head. There's no clear view of whether his claw hits Luke's face. The blood on his face is only visible after he hits the ground, even when looking frame-by-frame.

K.C. Sierra

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the film we see the probe droid crash to the surface of Hoth. The shot then changes to Luke on his tauntaun and we see the probe droid crash again.


Correction: The Empire has sent thousands of probes throughout the galaxy. The one Luke sees may not be the same as the first one. (Alternate correction: It's just the director showing the event from 2 perspectives. The first, a disorientating view of an ice planet. The second, our hero actually seeing the event and going to investigate).

K.C. Sierra

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