
Question: Other than maybe galactic domination, why does Shinzon want to destroy Earth? He was a human, created and enslaved by the Romulans? Why is he so bent on killing everyone on Earth?


Chosen answer: Earth is the headquarters of Starfleet, and the de facto capital of the United Federation of Planets. As Picard says at one point in the movie, "If you destroy Earth, you cripple the Federation." Shinzon wanted to remove the biggest threat to the Romulan Empire so he could gain sympathy and support from the Romulan people, so they would support his rule.

Answer: Shannon seems to be based partly on Mordred from Le Morte d'Arthur and partly on Ming the Merciless from Flash Gordon. Ming had nothing against Earth, and Mordred had nothing against Camelot. Villains are just into conquering and destroying. It's what they do.

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