
6th Apr 2016

Prison Break (2005)

John Doe - S2-E14

Corrected entry: In this episode, Kellerman insists that there is no way of identifying Stedman. The brothers ask about DNA, dental records, etc. Kellerman states that they were erased. However, Stedman's DNA can always be tested and compared to that of the president. DNA will show that they are siblings. There is no "erasing" that.


Correction: In order to do this though they would need the president's DNA. She knows the truth so would deny a sample voluntarily. So the police would have to get a warrant for the DNA sample. No judge would ever sign that warrant as it could be considered career suicide.


8th Sep 2016

Sleepers (1996)

Corrected entry: When young Shakes asks Michael about Rizzo, he tells him that they "beat him until the was nothing left to beat." Years later Ceasar tells King Benny that his family was told Rizzo died of pneumonia. Wouldn't Rizzo's body have been returned to the family for the funeral? It would be hard to pass off a brutally beaten body for pneumonia. The Wilkinson Home would likely have been under investigation way back then.


Correction: They could have lied and said he was in a fight with another inmate. There are also ways to beat someone that doesn't leave marks.

28th Feb 2016

Multiplicity (1996)

Corrected entry: After #2 was cloned, it is explained that they remember everything up to the time of the split. So wouldn't the clones be in love with the wife and kids too? It seems the clones have no problem carrying on new relationships, like they aren't married. If the clones remember everything, this should include falling in love with the wife, and the birth and rearing of the kids. But they all seem aloof to the family, particularly #2.


Correction: First, #1 made the rule the clones couldn't sleep with his wife, so they simply found other companionship, although their feelings did factor in when they did or tried to sleep with her. But since they know they're clones, they also know she and the kids are not really their family. However, we see each clone has his own distinct personality, so they have different attitudes towards the family.


2nd Apr 2011

When in Rome (2010)

Corrected entry: In a conversation between Beth and her sister, her sister's husband says that the coins have to be returned to the fountain. When Beth says that she will ship the coins, her sister's husband tells her that only she can return the coins the fountain. However, at the end of the movie, Nick drops the poker chip into the fountain and suddenly the Rabbi is released from his spell. How could this be? Only the person who took the items, who in this case would be Beth, can return the items and release the spell.


Correction: Beth is standing in the fountain with Nick when he drops it.

27th Oct 2010

The Witches (1990)

Corrected entry: In the scene when the Grand High Witch first steps on the stage in the convention room, her dress is shown as tight-fitted and far above her knee. After she reveals her true face, her dress is shown as loose and far below her knee. When she puts her mask back on, her dress is again fitted and above her knee.


Correction: This is not a mistake at all. If you observe the Grand High Witch in the scene prior to stepping on stage she is seen to be wearing a cape. It is actually a cape/skirt attached to the back of her dress. This is why it seems to be a wardrobe change between shots.

11th Feb 2013

Child's Play 3 (1991)

Corrected entry: In Child's Play 1, John (the voodoo instructor) tells Chucky he has to put his soul back into the body of the person he first revealed himself to, which would have been Andy. However, after Chucky's "re-reincarnation" in part 3, he 1st reveals himself to Mr. Sullivan before killing him in his office. So he should have been trying to transfer himself into Mr. Sullivan's body, not Tyler's or Andy's. (It is revealed later that if Chucky has a "new" body (killed and reincarnated), the process starts all over again, in which case he must transfer himself into the body of the person whom he 1st reveled himself, in neither case is Andy or Tyler.) This Mistake happens in both part 2 and 3, where Chucky revels himself 1st to another person, kills them, but continues to pursue Andy as if that is the 1st person he reveled himself to after receiving his NEW body.


Correction: The real way for Chucky to reveal his true self to is by telling them his real name is Charles Lee Ray, which he does to Andy in the first film although it happens off camera. In the second film he does not have a new body, it has simply been repaired, and at the start of this film he never tells Mr. Sullivan this. However, when he first meets Tyler he tells him these exact words, which means Tyler is the person he must transfer himself into.


13th Apr 2011

Orphan (2009)

Corrected entry: Near the middle of the film, Daniel tells Max that he plans to get the hammer to prove Esther's guilt so their parents will "have to believe them". This makes no sense, as Kate has asked them repeatedly if Esther has hurt them or done or said anything strange. So why is Daniel indicating that his mom wouldn't believe him if he told her what he saw? Kate has been suspicious of Esther since the beginning and Daniel's tattling would surely only confirm Kate's suspicions.


Correction: True, Kate had asked several times about Esther, but each time they said no. The father was completely blind to what was going on. With just their story, it would be difficult to get both parents on board because of the denials. Daniel figured that they would have a much better shot with the hammer since it was a piece of evidence to prove their story.

29th Jul 2011

Regarding Henry (1991)

Corrected entry: I find it hard to believe that Sarah would keep letters from her lover in her sock drawer. Especially knowing that Henry is at home looking through everything trying to pick up the pieces of his life.


Correction: This is a character mistake at best. She may have meant to get rid of them at some point, but after Henry's accident..may have forgot about them. Also she probably just assumed that Henry would never look there.

Gavin Jackson

13th Apr 2011

Wicker Park (2004)

Corrected entry: Matt visits Alex at Lisa's apartment. I realize that a few years have gone by, however, Matt should have recognized something in that apartment (besides the shoes). I find it hard to believe that Lisa would have replaced EVERYTHING from her past. She would have kept something; pictures, a mirror, a chair, a bed frame. Something in that apartment would have been the same.


Correction: It's not a mistake, Lisa moved to another flat in different house. That's why Matthew had to follow Daniel to find her new flat. He didn't even know at what floor she lives after arriving to the building and had to check the mailboxes. Plus, each flat has completly different type of windows. No one in the movie says she moved, but since she left for some time to Europe and the flat itself could have been only rented so she didn't want to pay for it while she wasn't present in Chicago. When Luke (Matthew's best friend who dates her) drives Alex to her place, she thinks about unlocking the door and go home (where Lisa took refuge), but then she decides to take a cab instead and visit Lisa's new flat. We know that Alex' flat and Lisa's flat were across the same yard, so why should she take a cab for going only few meters? Plus, in the scene where we finally see Lisa with in Alex' flat and it's not flashback, there are few shots where we can see trough the window into the Lisa's old flat across the yard - and there is couple we haven't seen yet and won't see again, actually the new inhabitants.

Yes. She moved. That doesn't change the fact that there should have been other items from the previous apartment in the new apartment. She didn't bring a picture, a coffee cup, or a lamp from her previous apartment? It's not realistic. The red bottom shoes are being used to mess with Matthew's head. If Mathew had recognized other items belonging to the real Lisa in that apartment, the whole "mind game" scenario wouldn't have worked. The fact that there is absolutely nothing from Lisa's old apartment in that new apartment is unrealistic and only used to further the plot, which is the very definition of plot hole.

17th Apr 2011

Jason X (2001)

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, KM using a highly effective weapon to defeat Jason. Why didn't Brodki's crew have access to this weapon to begin with? It makes no sense.


Correction: Because by this time, KM and the others knew what they were dealing with and knew normal weapons were not taking him down. Brodki's crew knew nothing about Jason. They believed that he was just a normal human who got thawed out and believed normal guns would take care of him.


17th Apr 2011

Jason X (2001)

Corrected entry: At the end of the movie, Jason is blown to pieces by KM. His head is half-gone and his arm and leg has been detached. Yet, he manages to be revived, coming back bigger and stronger. So why couldn't they "restore" Brodski's crew? Most of them had far less damage to their bodies than Jason.


Correction: The crew were pretty much already dead and could not be brought back to life. Jason also has a healing factor which prevents him from dying from fatal wounds which was referenced at the begining of the film.

10th Mar 2011

Big Love (2006)

Show generally

Corrected entry: Season 5: Episode 8. Heather's confession to her bishop would be privileged, therefore immiscible. A bishop cannot go to the police with any information that is confessed to him, unless it is to prevent a future crime, and it was not.


Correction: In Episode 10, it is said that the Bishop is required to report all cases of child abuse.

Corrected entry: At the beginning of the movie, Clyde and Rice are disusing the deal. Rice states that there is not enough evidence to send the offenders to prison, and that his "eye-witness identification" is not enough to convict. So they're cutting a deal with Darby to testify against Ames. This would never happen. Since Clyde could identify the perpetrators BEFORE he blacked out. His testimony and ID would be more than sufficient.


Correction: It would happen with a lawyer like Rice, who's more concerned with his conviction record than he is with justice. The fact that the encounter began with Clyde being clubbed over the head is enough for any decent defense attorney to have Clyde's identification testimony disregarded by the court. Rice won't risk this, because that would make it that much harder for him to win an already tough case. So he cuts a deal for a sure thing.


27th Jan 2011

Demolition Man (1993)

Corrected entry: When John Spartan was thawed out, he had no idea how much time had passed and had no knowledge of what had occurred. It would be fair to say that time had officially stopped for him. In his eyes, the notification of his wife's death would seem as if it had just happened. So why on Earth is he goggling over Huxley like it's old news? He's running around carrying on with everyday life like nothing's changed. One would think he would be mourning. He's acting like his wife has been dead for years and he's moved on. It makes no sense.


Correction: Jack Spartan mentioned during the dinner at Taco Bell that he was fully aware and awake and could see and hear his wife pounding on the glass. The entire conversation was based on what it was like to be frozen.

I think there is room to question that - Spartan mentions that he was "having a 36 year nightmare about people in a burning building" and then goes on to say he remembers his wife outside his block of ice. Croctau then mentions that there might be side effects from the freezing process or something of that sort. So totally awake and aware yet unable to move might be a stretch. It might have more like brief snatches of awareness, woven in to a dream like state that he remembers upon being thawed. Like a person having a bad dream who remembers bits and pieces after waking up. It seems unlikely that a person could survive mentally awake and aware in that frozen state for decades. You'd go insane as Huxley mentions.

Corrected entry: The story implies from the pictures and the flashbacks that there were at least 10 kids that attended the preschool. Five of which are currently friends or classmates. None of them remember the preschool? None of them remember the abuse? Its hard to believe that ALL of those kids could suppress such traumatic memories of being abused by the gardener at the preschool.


Correction: Not all of the kids were abused. It's possible half of them didn't remember being at the preschool, those five being the friends. We don't know if the other kids remembered or not, whether they were abused or not, as the only thing we know is they are dead.


10th Oct 2010

The Sixth Sense (1999)

Corrected entry: I find it hard to believe that if Malcolm thought he was treating a patient, he wouldn't try to communicate with the parent, thus he would have figured out something wasn't right because she wouldn't have responded to him.


Correction: The same thing could be said of his day to day interactions with the entire world. He doesn't use the bathroom anymore, he doesn't eat, he doesn't sleep. He has convinced himself that he is not dead and so his psyche ignores all evidence to the contrary. This is not a plot hole, it's a plot point.


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