Corrected entry: Lamar Burgess could perfectly kill Anne Lively with impunity simply by committing the murder far away from Washington Area and the Precrime cops. As director of Precrime he had to know about the reach of the precogs' precognition powers and how avoid them. It is a much more simple plan than the creation of a complicated alibi with John Doe killers, incomplete pre-visions, fake kidnappers,etc.
10th Jul 2004
Minority Report (2002)
29th Nov 2003
Swordfish (2001)
Corrected entry: In the coffee shop scene (UK DVD chapter 15, time 47:40) where Gabriel is explaining Operation Swordfish to Jackman, he said the DEA businesses had almost $400,000,000 in the bank when they were finally shut down. Gabriel said that after 15 years of interest the total works out as $9.5 billion. For this to be true, the interest rate would have had to average 96% for the whole 15 years. I wish I knew which bank the DEA used. (00:47:40)
Correction: Actually the compound interest rate would have to be around 23.5% - high but not impossible with the right investments in various off-shore activities (especially illegal ones)
27th Aug 2003
Apollo 13 (1995)
Corrected entry: When the three astronauts travel around the moon, the radio contact breaks down. During this radio silence, they spot their planned landing site, Fra Mauro, on the surface of the moon. Just after this sight, Houston can get in contact with them again. So, only then, the spaceship comes out from behind the moon. But Fra Mauro is on the visible side on the moon, almost in the middle of it. How could the astronauts see Fra Mauro while they were still on the back side of the moon?
Correction: The visible "side" of the moon does not change, as the moon happens to rotate on it's axis at the same speed it goes round the earth. So far so good. Howver, it is perfectly possible to fly (or stand) in the middle of the visible side and not have radio contact with a given point on earth, simply because the transmitter you are trying to contact is over the earth's horizon from your point of view. They would then need to continue further on their trajectory to get radio line-of-sight back.
27th Aug 2001
Final Destination (2000)
Corrected entry: As a consequence of the short-circuit the screen explodes and she gets hit by a big piece of glass. But this was a regular screen with a CRT inside. Such a screen can not explode. There might have been an implosion...
Correction: If the power supply (for example) exploded it would take the glass with it. Also, if a CRT does implode (which is right, because of the vacuum inside), the glass still flies around - it certainly doesn't implode to the middle and then just stick together and stop moving.
16th May 2003
Alien (1979)
Corrected entry: After Kane has volunteered to be in the first group to go out, Dallas says "you too Lambert". After she replies "swell" Dallas says "I'll break out the weapons" - where are the weapons that Dallas is referring to? Why could these not have been used to arm the crew, when the Alien was loose on the ship instead of trying to hunt for it in the air shafts with a solitary flame thrower?
Correction: If they shoot the Alien its blood will leak everywhere, and the blood is highly corrosive so it would go through the floors and potentially breach the hull of the spacecraft. They are trying to herd it with the flamethrower once they realise it is afraid of fire.
They don't actually know that it's afraid of fire, that is just an assumption made by Ash in relation to most creatures retreating from fire. But as Ash is trying to help the Alien that may not be true in this case.
The weapons that Dallas is referring to is a space age looking pistol, Kane is holding one when he gets attacked by the facehugger.
If you remember Parker says "It's got a wonderful defence mechanism, you don't dare kill it".
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Correction: The fact of her going missing would be enough to start an investigation, which would be a risk (alebit small) that he would be caught. Given the sort of technology available and the seemingly comprehensive database of retina scans it is safe to assume that the slightest bit of DNA evidence would be enough to convict with. The best way to avoid this risk is to give them an open-and-shut case so they stop looking.