
19th May 2024

The Golden Girls (1985)

4th Aug 2022

The Waltons (1972)

The Outrage: Part 2 - S9-E2

Character mistake: The NCO in charge of the Navy construction crew is wearing a commissioned officer's eagle insignia on his hat. A non-commissioned officer would have one with a Navy anchor on it. This mistake appears in several episodes showing Ben's Navy service.


8th Jun 2022

The Waltons (1972)

The Children's Carol - S6-E11

Factual error: Jim Bob is shown communicating with friends in the UK via amateur radio. During WW2 amateur radio operators in most countries were prohibited from transmitting any signals until after the end of the war.


26th May 2022

Nine to Five (1980)

Continuity mistake: After being stopped by the policeman for defective tail-lights (one burned out and the other flashing) the 3 women take off for the hospital and both tail-lights are working correctly. (01:05:25 - 01:07:20)


A Cure for All Ills - S1-E6

Factual error: At the end of the episode, as the veterinarians are leaving the pub, the camera pans up to the sky and you can see the full moon right next to the north star and the big dipper. In the northern hemisphere the moon is always to the south.


5th Jan 2020

The Music Man (1962)

Revealing mistake: As the passengers are getting on the train at the start, their shadows reveal that the train car wheels and springs are painted on a flat surface. (00:00:10)


29th Dec 2018

Hairspray (2007)

Factual error: In the opening "Good Morning Baltimore" scenes you can see yellow center lines in the streets. This was supposed to be 1962, but yellow lines weren't used in the U.S. until after 1971. (01:00:00 - 04:00:00)


9th Aug 2018

Hidden Figures (2016)

Factual error: When they are watching the video of Yuri Gagarin's space flight (April of 1961), the announcer describes the time as "UTC." The official abbreviation of UTC and the official English name of Coordinated Universal Time was not adopted until 1967. They would have described it as "GMT" (Greenwich Mean Time).


Last of the Summer Wine mistake picture

Show generally

Continuity mistake: Interior shots of Ivy's cafe show a window in the back wall of the kitchen, visible through the door to the dining area. Exterior shots of the building show only a plain stone wall where the window should be.


12th Dec 2013

The General (1926)

Continuity mistake: When Annabelle is helping Johnny fill the locomotive water tank, the water spout comes loose and Annabelle gets soaked. A few seconds later, her hair and clothes are completely dry again. (Later, in her memoirs, Marion Mack said she was not told this would happen and it was a complete surprise to her!). (00:51:00)


Factual error: As they are driving to Mobile, you can see the yellow center line on the highway. White center lines were in use in the 1950's. Yellow center lines were not standardized on highways in the U.S. Until after 1971.


10th Apr 2013

The Shell Seekers (1989)

The Shell Seekers mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Early in the movie Nancy visits Penelope. As she steps out of her car, the overhead microphone is visible in the front windscreen. (00:15:30)


Factual error: Toward the end of the film, when Gary is riding a bus from Wyoming through Nebraska he should be traveling towards the east. As the bus pulls away from the stop near Loma, Nebraska the sun is on the left side of the bus, indicating that it is traveling to the west.


Under the Tuscan Sun mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Signor Martini tries to find the snake in Frances' house he lights the stove with a match. He then places the match box on top of the stove with the long side of the box facing the camera. In the next several shots the box turns to the narrow side facing front and then back again. (00:45:20 - 00:47:00)


16th Mar 2012

Persuasion (2007)

Visible crew/equipment: Anne, Elizabeth, and Capt. Wentworth are walking on the estate, and as Elizabeth says "Hey look, there's poor Charles with them; come", the camera angle shifts over to Anne and you can see a member of the crew wearing a red shirt standing next to the tree behind her. (00:33:35)


Continuity mistake: In the scene where the family is discussing the wedding invitations, Ian and Nick are seated and there is a lemon on the table between them. When Toula says, "Ma, I never saw a wedding invitation," the lemon jumps onto the plate in front of Ian. In the next shot the lemon is back on the table again.


My Big Fat Greek Wedding mistake picture

Character mistake: In the opening scene where Toula describes her house, she says it is complete with "Corinthian columns." The columns on the house are of the "Ionic" style, not Corinthian.


The Magic of Ordinary Days mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Livy is planting a garden when snow starts falling. As she runs into the house, notice the chimney aligned with the left edge of the roof. Ten seconds later the roof is covered with snow and the chimney has moved about 1 meter to the right. (01:11:30)


Revealing mistake: In the final scene where Cigarette gets thrown off the train you can see the stunt double stepping off a box before jumping out of the rail car. (01:58:35)


Continuity mistake: When Erika and Julian are talking in the kitchen "How are you holding up? - Me? - You." she makes a cup of tea and places the tea kettle on the stove. In the next couple of shots, the kettle moves from the right side to the left side of the burner. (00:35:55)


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