
Continuity mistake: When Blofeld escapes riding the bobsleigh, there are several shots of him sliding way along the slope, then we see Bond firing the last shot and now the bobsleigh is right at the starting point.


Continuity mistake: When Bond knocks out Che Che there's a rectangular piece of white furniture next to the bed. A shot later it has moved a meter to the left, pink slippers now visible, and is now on top of Che Che's leg.


Continuity mistake: When Bond approaches Tracy to give her flowers, her sleeve stands out of the window or not, depending on the shot. (02:19:20)


Continuity mistake: When Bond is ordering breakfast, the position of his hand on the phone changes between shots. Check his index finger.


Continuity mistake: Position of the nightgown on the bed when Bond fights against Che changes between shots. (00:15:05)


Continuity mistake: After Bond knocks out Che Che there's a close-up of him feeling dizzy and collapsing unconscious. Shot changes to a wide angle, and he repeats all previous movements.


Continuity mistake: When Bond is in his room fighting against Che Che, a table leg lies on the couch, but disappears in further shots.


Continuity mistake: At the beach, Bond lies down on the boat and kicks Raphael while aiming to sit up. A shot later he's lying down again.


Continuity mistake: After Tracy's car passes Bond's, check the stones and constructions on the left side of the curb. Shot changes, we see the car speeding away, and then the shot cuts back to the previous place where the car was.


Continuity mistake: At the casino Bond deals cards to a man on the left. This man's left arm swaps between raised to lowered depending on the shot.


Continuity mistake: After the bobsleigh chase Bond falls on the snow and a dog approaches. The amount of snow on Bond's coat suddenly decreases between shots.


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