
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Luke crashes on the snow he tries to open the cockpit pushing the canopy. A shot later he is pushing the windshield. This changes back and forth several times.


Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: While in hot-pursuit, Han and Chewie are desperately trying to fix the Millennium Falcon (just after C-3PO informs them of the damaged hyperdrive, making light-speed impossible). In one shot Chewbacca has a bare human thumb, without gloves or makeup, and can be easily spotted in the lower left part of the screen. (00:38:00)


Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: This can only be seen in the widescreen version. When Han, Leia and Chewie venture out of the Falcon to investigate the cave they're hiding in on the asteroid, as they walk towards the left of the screen you can see the edge of the tarpaulin sheet they're standing on as well as the faint outline of a crew member trying to get out of the camera shot. (00:58:40)

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Luke's snowspeeder crashes on the snow, right before he exits, there's no damage on the right window. From the outside shot it's broken all over.


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