
Corrected entry: McGonagall directs Filch to take the Slytherins to the dungeons. However, when Malfoy apparates into the castle, he grabs Goyle and Blaise Zambini while they are running. They should be in the dungeons with the rest of Slytherin House.

Kimberly Anne McKnight

Correction: Just because Filch took them to the Slytherin common room doesn't mean that they stayed there. It's not as if Filch has any way to keep them in the dungeon.


Corrected entry: In the epilogue at the end of the movie Harry has no scar.

Correction: Actually, the scar is present but very difficult to see. It is very thin and faded, as would be expected nearly 20 years after Voldemort's defeat. It is easiest to see if you pause the movie during Harry's conversation with Albus Severus. Several of the front shots of Harry show the scar.


Corrected entry: When Ron and Hermoine go back to the Chamber of Secrets to get a basilisk fang, Ron speaks Parseltongue and then explains to a surprised Hermione how he knows it. The second film established that one needs to speak Parseltongue to open even the bathroom entrance to the Chamber. Therefore, Ron would have explained himself before they reached this point.

Correction: Not necessarily. Ron might simply have not thought to explain how to open the door to Hermione until they reached it.


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