
Corrected entry: When Luke and Darth Vader are fighting and Darth Vader is hurling things at Luke, one thing he throws flies through the window and makes a giant hole. However, when Luke gets sucked out, the hole is twice as big even though nothing else went through it.

Jack Kaltenbach

Correction: There is clearly a vacuum (or at least drastically reduced air pressure) on the other side of the window. The suction created by the pressure differential could have easily sucked more of the broken window out.


Corrected entry: This happens after Han destroys the probe droid, during the Imperial montage that follows. In the shot right before you see the back of Vader's head, you see a wide shot of a Super Star Destroyer. Pay careful attention to the TIE fighter that flies in from off camera. Had the shot lasted for another second, it seems obvious that this fighter would've flown directly into the bottom of the Super Star Destroyer.

Correction: This could easily be attributed to pilot error.


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