
26th Mar 2023

Charlie's Angels (1976)

15th Oct 2011

Charlie's Angels (1976)

15th Oct 2011

Charlie's Angels (1976)

Charlie's Angels mistake picture

The Blue Angels - S1-E22

Continuity mistake: Sabrina is sharpening a pencil in her office at the police department. She wears two rings: one on her left little finger and one on her left ring finger (long shot). In a subsequent long shot, the ring on the ring finger has disappeared. (00:05:35 - 00:06:50)


16th Aug 2016

Charlie's Angels (1976)

16th Aug 2016

Charlie's Angels (1976)

21st Mar 2012

Charlie's Angels (1976)

Charlie's Angels mistake picture

Terror on Skis (1) - S3-E17

Continuity mistake: The Angels are in the office and they are discussing with Chadwick, an FBI agent who have hired them. Chadwick gives the Angels a Polaroid photo: however, what is shown in the next close shot is not a Polaroid photo, but a normal one. (00:07:20)


27th Nov 2011

Charlie's Angels (1976)

Charlie's Angels mistake picture

Angel on High - S3-E4

Continuity mistake: Sabrina is in New York and she stays at Tuxedo Hotel; her room number is 325. However in a close shot of the key chain, it seems that she stays at another hotel (something like Zarac Hotel), while her room number is 1207. (00:20:30)


15th Oct 2011

Charlie's Angels (1976)

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