Corrected entry: When the napalm canister is accidentally dropped on the US troops, it's dropped by a computer generated F-100 Super Sabre. Historically, the aircraft which actually dropped the errant napalm canister was an F-105 Thunder Chief. Since the aircraft was CG, they could have depicted the F-105.
Zwn Annwn
5th Sep 2005
We Were Soldiers (2002)
7th May 2007
The Parent Trap (1961)
Corrected entry: In many places throughout the movie, people's lips don't match what they're saying.
Correction: This is not a specific mistake and cannot be verified. You should identify the instances, what they are saying and to whom, in order to have this really be a mistake.
13th Feb 2007
Armageddon (1998)
Corrected entry: I find it highly unlikely that all of those astronauts would have gleaming white teeth.
Correction: I'm not sure that "highly unlikely" would constitute a movie mistake. Highly unlikely still means it's possible in the context of the movie.
9th Jul 2006
That '70s Show (1998)
A New Hope - S1-E20
Corrected entry: This is the only episode that doesn't use the theme song.
Correction: This was the FIRST episode to not use the theme song. There were several (at least 2 in Season 4 and 3 in Season 5) that didn't use the theme song. They just showed the credits over the action of the moment.
26th Dec 2006
Rudy (1993)
Corrected entry: In the final game against GA Tech, Notre Dame is wearing away jerseys and GA Tech is wearing home jerseys. How can that be if Notre Dame was at home?
Correction: Notre Dame is wearing the dark or home jerseys during the whole last game. GA Tech is wearing white jerseys (normally white is away). Nothing is wrong.
Correction: The home team gets to choose jersey color. While many teams in the South choose white early in the season due to heat, most home teams choose dark, or more colorful, home jerseys if heat is not a factor.
17th Dec 2001
Iron Eagle (1986)
Corrected entry: It is impossible to fire a missile or rocket from an F-16 while it is on the ground. They do this while he (Doug) is on the ground rescuing his dad.
Correction: Already challenged and corrected.
10th Jan 2007
Dune (1984)
Corrected entry: The Bene Gesserit Reverend Mother arrives on Caladan to test Paul Atreidies with The Box and the Gom Jabbar, a test in which failure means death. His mother Jessica, also a Bene Gesserit, leaves the room. It seems that it isn't until she returns to the room, sees Paul alive and states 'My son lives', that she knows he has passed the test and is alive. When Arrakis is overtaken by the Harkonen, Paul and Jessica are banished to the desert. During this period Duke Leto dies and Jessica 'senses' it and becomes quite distraught. If Jessica, using her Bene Gesserit powers could sense Leto's death hundreds of miles away, why couldn't she sense whether Paul, who was only in the same building was alive or dead, but had to wait until she saw him?
Correction: Because a Reverend Mother was in the room with Paul - she could easily have been shielding the room with thought to ensure that no outside forces would interfere with the testing. According to the books, they could do that. That could easily explain why Jessica had no knowldege of the happenings in the room.
4th Jan 2007
Paycheck (2003)
Corrected entry: When Ben Afflec gets out of the square-ish taxi right before he agrees to the three year contract, he is in the back of the taxi. Then he opens the back door to get out. This would not be a mistake except that this model is a Honda Element and it has "suicide doors". In order to open the back door you must first open the front, which would make it a horrible taxi.
Correction: Where to start? It is a science fiction movie which means there is no reason that the cab has to BE a "Honda Element", it just may look like one. Also, since he obviously did get out of the taxi by the back door - it cannot have the "suicide doors." Also, since it is a fiction movie and is not necessarily trying to depict modern times, I fail to see how this would be a mistake.
18th Dec 2006
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
Corrected entry: When Rusty drops the reindeer on the lawn, the legs break off the one closest to him but later all the deer are intact until Clark loses it and beats them up.
29th Jun 2004
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
Corrected entry: In the scene at the Council of Elrond, right after Frodo says, "I will take it," there is a shot of all the members of the council staring at Frodo. The problem is, they are not all staring in the same spot. (Look closely at Boromir and Gandalf, they look as though they could be staring at Frodo. But the two elves on the right of the screen are staring too far off to the right.)
10th Oct 2006
Major League (1989)
Corrected entry: Haywood (the big Yankees slugger) has a long mustache that extends downwards all the way to his chin in the style of a fu manchu. George Steinbrenner, the owner of the Yankees, would NEVER allow that. Under Steinbrenner's rule, no Yankee is allowed to have facial hair below the upper lip. Goatees, beards, and long mustaches would be shaved.
Correction: If this were real that would be true. However, there is no mention of Steinbrenner as the Yankees owner in the film. The Indians' owner is a stripper - that is not real either. Since this is a fantasy, "real" rules are suspended and the fu manchu is allowed.
Correction: Many Yankees who played during the Steinbrenner years wore facial hair. Hunter, Jackson, Munson, Tidrow. Steinbrenner's rule was about long hair.
24th Jun 2006
Major League (1989)
Corrected entry: During the Oakland game (where Dorn tanks the ball), Taylor visits Vaughn on the mound. The home plate umpire is seen cleaning off the plate. Taylor returns to his position, inadvertently kicking enough dirt onto the plate to keep the umpire from seeing the edges. The umpire doesn't call time to clean it off, as evidenced by the plate still being dirty when the Oakland batter pops out to Taylor to end the game. (00:54:40 - 00:55:20)
Correction: This is a mistake made by the umpire, not a movie mistake.
10th Sep 2006
We Were Soldiers (2002)
Corrected entry: When CSM Plumley hands Joe Galloway the M-16, Galloway takes off his camera and drops it on the ground, but after the battle when he gets it back it is hanging from the branch of a tree.
Correction: Plenty of time for him, or someone else, to hang the camera from the tree so as to keep it off the ground.
27th Sep 2003
That '70s Show (1998)
Love, Wisconsin Style - S4-E27
Corrected entry: Eric Mentions Sue Ellen from Dallas. However, even taking into account the time that's passed since the series began, Dallas had not yet made its 1978 premier.
Correction: The directors on the show were very loose with their time schedules. However, the stated date for Season 4 was 1978, as seen on the license plates at the end of the show. As they state the year as 1978, they are justified in using the Dallas references.
12th Nov 2004
The Last Starfighter (1984)
Corrected entry: While playing the game, Alex repeatedly shoots down the same group of Kodan fighters - the same in-game shots are repeated. The easiest to spot are two fighters that come from the left side and are destroyed simultaneously.
Correction: In a video game, there is nothing wrong with using the same action scenes (especially in one of that vintage). Also, since the action scenes are being reused in game, there is nothing to say Alex couldn't be shooting the fighters in the same manner. Good gamers get in a rhythm.
9th Aug 2006
Back to the Future Part III (1990)
Corrected entry: When Doc and Marty are in the blacksmith shop, Doc reads the picture tombstone: Shot in the BACK for a matter of $80. Even Buford emphasises this in the previous scene; "one day you gonna get a bullet in your back". However, in the festival scene when Buford is about to shoot Doc, Doc is facing FORWARD. If Marty had not been there to stop the bullet with the frisbee, Doc would have been shot in the chest, not the back. (00:36:00 - 00:58:45)
Correction: You're not thinking fourth dimensionally. If Marty had not gone back in time, he and Doc wouldn't have saved Clara. If Clara hadn't been at the dance, Doc may well have not been at the dance. Biff would then have shot him somewhere else and in the back. Marty being there messes up the whole time continuum. Doc even mentions something along the lines of Buford being early during that scene.
In the original timeline both Doc and Clara were at the dance. Without Marty being there Doc would have been shot in the back. When Tannen says "told you to watch your back smithy," that's what prompted Doc to reply that he felt early since he knew he wouldn't be dead until the 7th. Basically in the original timeline, Tannen shot Doc in the back at the dance and he bled out until finally dying on Monday the 7th.
4th Aug 2006
My Cousin Vinny (1992)
Corrected entry: Why is Joe Pesci referred to as "Mr. Gambini" continuously by the judge, if he is supposedly "Jerry Gallo" and later "Jerry Callo"? Why doesn't the judge call him "Mr. Gallo" if that's who he thinks he is?
Correction: Early in the movie, Joe Pesci explains to the judge that Gambini is his "working name" and the name he is registered under is "Gallo" and later, "Callo." The judge buys it. Why? Who knows? But because they explained it that way, the judge is not making mistakes by calling him Gambini.
In addition, Vinny directly tells Judge Haller to continue calling him "Gambini" when the Judge first questions him about the two names.
3rd Aug 2006
Star Wars (1977)
Corrected entry: In the lightsaber duel scene, Vader's lightsaber changes from shot to shot from red to pink.
Correction: Red to pink is mostly in the mind. The graphics people used the same overlay each time for Vader's light saber.
28th May 2005
Rocky III (1982)
Corrected entry: In Rocky's first fight with Clubber in which he loses, pay close attention to the amount of time that goes by in Round 1, it is VERY quick. I timed it and it is only about 56 seconds long, whereas in normal boxing, rounds are 3 minutes.
Correction: It's a movie. There is nothing wrong with them condensing time for the fight. The movie also takes place over several weeks yet we see it in about 2 hours.
21st Sep 2004
Down Periscope (1996)
Corrected entry: The main character's name is Tom Dodge, and this is maintained throughout the film. On the back of the DVD case (Australian version, not sure on other countries), the character is called John Dodge.
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Correction: According to Hal Moore's book, the two aircraft on the run to drop the napalm (including the one that did drop the errant cannister) were indeed F-100 Super Sabres. Sergeant Nye (at the battle) confirms this. Therefore, no mistake.
Zwn Annwn