
Trivia: During the raid in the castle, when a villager is thrown through the front doors he cries out the famous Wilhelm scream.


6th Feb 2006

Creepshow 2 (1987)

Trivia: Stephen King novels are visible, on the male prostitutes bed-head. (00:56:30)


29th Nov 2005

Batman Returns (1992)

Trivia: The massive Gotham City sets were all constructed so that could be mobile, and they were often shifted between days of filming. Michelle Pfeiffer said in an interview that she routinely got lost on her way to filming each day, because she couldn't find the correct set.


28th Nov 2005

Batman Returns (1992)

28th Nov 2005

Batman Returns (1992)

Trivia: The shot where the monkey walks down the stairs to give The Penguin the letter from Batman took many shoots to complete, because Danny DeVito's makeup frightened it. According to one interview DeVito gave with Jonathan Ross, on the first take, the monkey even tried to bite him... right on the groin. Thankfully his padded suit prevented any bodily damage.


27th Nov 2005

Batman Returns (1992)

5th Sep 2005

Child's Play (1988)

Trivia: In all, nine menacing Chucky figures were constructed for the film: a simple "toy" doll; a doll that could stand upright; a doll that could walk; two hand-held puppets for quick, specific movements (such as sitting, biting or flailing about); and expendable "stunt dolls" that could be tossed round the set or otherwise subjected to rough treatment.


5th Sep 2005

Child's Play (1988)

Trivia: The filmmakers closed the famed Chicago loop as they filmed the massive toy store explosion sequence. A team of pyrotechnics experts rigged the mock store with explosive charges and set off the fiery blast, obliterating the front windows. Yet amazingly, only a few of the toys were actually destroyed; the rest were donated to charities that included the Children's Memorial Hospital and Ronald McDonald House.


Trivia: When Rennie and Sean are trying to get through one of the doors in the train, a poster to the right of that door has graffiti on the bottom of it, reading "Jason Lives." (01:20:25)


13th Jun 2005

Thirteen (2003)

Trivia: On the side of the skating ramp is a big graffiti '13', subtly hidden. (00:20:10)


Trivia: At the end of the movie in the hospital, Pam is sitting under Fire Alarm 13. (01:21:45)


8th Jun 2005

Thirteen (2003)

Trivia: Mentioned on Commentary - the poster at the bus stop "Beauty is Truth" is a picture of Nikki Reed's (Evie) eyes on another woman's face. The picture is supposedly symbolic because each time we see the poster it is more graffitied/ruined, symbolising how Evie is making Tracy more out-of-control and dirty (e.g. introducing her to drugs and sex.).


Trivia: In the Goofy Goober Nut Bar, there is a picture of Popeye visible, hung up on the wall behind Spongebob. (00:16:15)


Trivia: The theme tune to this film (played when the credits roll) also plays on the radio in the store Vera and Shelly go to. (00:29:40)


5th Mar 2005

Pinocchio (1940)

Trivia: Despite playing a very important role to the film, none of the vocal artists are credited.


Trivia: The firey footsteps that led upstairs were Pyro gel set alight. When it leads upstairs to Freddy set alight, it is stuntman Tony Cecere, who actually specializes in being set on fire.


Trivia: When Freddy bulges through the wall at the head of Tina's bed, it is actually Jim Doyle (special effects specialist) standing behind a painted sheet of spandex, pressing against it.


Trivia: When Tina is dragged along the ceiling as she is killed. To do this they built the room out of metal with 3 rotating axes. They just covered the metal with scenery walls, to make it look like a regular bedroom. They bolted the camera, and every piece of furniture to the floor of the room. Nick Corri, who plays her boyfriend was similarly harnessed to the floor. As Tina is dragged across the ceiling the room is upside-down and she is simply rolling around on the ceiling of an upside-down room. Since the camera and Rod are both strapped to the floor of the room it creates the illusion that she is flying around the room.


Trivia: When Nancy runs up the stairs, and steps in the goop, pancake mix is used in the pre-cut holes (visible as a mistake) and the pancake mix was covered with Bisquick and chopped up carpet.


12th Nov 2004

Mr. Deeds (2002)

Trivia: When Pam tells Deeds she 'fell out of Boo Radley's apple tree', it's taken from 'To Kill a Mockingbird.' (00:46:35)


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