
10th Nov 2008

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Billy Mack is trying to sing the song correctly at the beginning, his hair is messy and sticking out from under his headset, but during his third attempt in a closeup his hair is neat and combed back under the headset. (00:03:05)


10th Nov 2008

Love Actually (2003)

Continuity mistake: During the scene with Karl and Sarah kissing on her bed, the position of the cushions behind them on her bed differ a few times. Also, the first time after Sarah's brother rings and she hangs up, in the first shot her arm is by her side and then it is across her chest. (01:08:00)


10th Nov 2008

Love Actually (2003)

Continuity mistake: During the scene between John and Judy in the classy hotel set, as they are preparing to stimulate sex against the bedpost, Judy removes all her outer layers of clothing and throws them on the bed. In following shots you can see the arrangement of clothing on the bed has changed. (00:14:00)


23rd Oct 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Mark opens the door, Juliet says "Banoffee Pie?" As she says this, Mark's right arm is down by his side, yet in the next shot, Mark's right arm is up by the door-frame. (00:49:35)


23rd Oct 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Mark is watching Billy on TV, prior to Juliet arriving, in one shot behind him you can see a long wooden pole leaning against the wall to the right. This disappears in the next shot. (00:49:20)


13th Sep 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Continuity mistake: When the Prime Minister has met Natalie, he walks off, and you can see his female assistant walking ahead of him. Then the Prime Minister turns and looks back at Natalie. When it cuts back to the Prime Minister again, the female assistant hasn't got very far and re-walks where she walked in the previous shot. (00:08:45)


22nd Jul 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Love Actually mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Mark is eating breakfast by a table, watching TV, just before Juliet comes round for the wedding video. The table he is standing by has a TV remote on it. In one shot the remote is in the centre of the table, but in the next shot it's on the edge of the table, so Mark can walk past and pick it up with ease. (00:49:15)


8th Jun 2004

Love Actually (2003)

Continuity mistake: At the end of the film in the airport, Colin returns with Harriet. They meet Tony there, and you can see Harriet's sister Carla come round the corridor. Then Harriet turns to introduce Carla, and you can see her blonde hair and arm come onto the screen. But in the next shot, it shows Carla walking towards them, much much further away from where she just was. (02:03:00)


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