
6th Dec 2005

Barb Wire (1996)

Barb Wire mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Barb is fighting Krebs' bodyguards she opens the refrigerator door and throws one of the bodyguards into it. He lands halfway in so she closes the door as much as she can and shoots the guy twice through the door but in the next shot the bullet holes have disappeared. A few shots later however the bullet holes return but this time there's three instead of two.

6th Dec 2005

Barb Wire (1996)

Barb Wire mistake picture

Continuity mistake: There's a scene at the Hammerhead before it opens where Barb is lying down at a booth and she puts her empty glass on the table. The ice is almost all melted but in the next shot, a close-up as she pours herself some Wild Turkey, the glass is filled with new ice.

5th Oct 2006

Barb Wire (1996)

Barb Wire mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Barb is fighting with one of Krebs' bodyguards, he is in the other room, shooting at her through the hole in the wall. Barb then runs to the large table (turned on its side) and she has a gun in her right hand. But in the closeup, as she leaps over the table, the gun has vanished and both hands are empty. In the next shot it has returned, for her to begin shooting again.

6th Dec 2005

Barb Wire (1996)

Barb Wire mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In Barb's war flashback we see her in a military uniform next to a helicopter that's about to take off. In some shots her left hand is on her helmet but in other shots it's at her side.

6th Dec 2005

Barb Wire (1996)

Barb Wire mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Barb is fighting Kreb's bodyguards, as she fights with the second one, she boots him to the floor, and them stands on his crotch. The bodyguard has blue suspenders on. In one shot one of his suspenders is unclipped and is lying across his body. In the next shot the suspender is now neatly clipped back onto his trousers. In addition the gray jacket he wears also changes position.

6th Dec 2005

Barb Wire (1996)

Barb Wire mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Barb is fighting Kreb's bodyguards, one is walking through the hole in the mattress. In one shot you can see the floor of the room that the bodyguard is approaching - it is totally covered in small feathers from the mattress. But in the next shot as he enters the room, the floor is now free from feathers.

5th Oct 2006

Barb Wire (1996)

Barb Wire mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Willis is sitting at Barb's office desk, talking to her while she changes behind the screen, his Cognac on the desk is almost finished. Later when he is about to leave, he picks up the drink, and it is a full Cognac again.

6th Dec 2005

Barb Wire (1996)

27th Aug 2003

Barb Wire (1996)

Barb Wire mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Barb is in the bubble bath, you can see the strap from a G-string she is wearing.

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