
19th Jan 2005

The Blue Lagoon (1980)

The Blue Lagoon mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Richard spots Paddy laying on the ground, they sail over to him. As they run up the beach there's hardly any seaweed around Paddy's body. Yet when it cuts there is much more seaweed around him. Also to the right of the screen on the beach, there are some rocks, but when it cuts (in the same shots as the aforementioned mistake) another large rock appears. (00:24:10)


27th Aug 2001

The Blue Lagoon (1980)

The Blue Lagoon mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Em is ill and Richard takes her to "God" and places her on the rock, she is shown lying on her right side, her face turned to the side with her hair partly covering her face. In the close-up shot of her, she is lying face up and her hair is away from her face. Then in the next shot, she's again on her side with her hair back over her face.

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