
31st Jan 2005

The Rescuers (1977)

The Rescuers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bernard and Bianca go to the orphanage, they rummage through a box labelled "Penny", then Rufus finds them and they talk. As Bianca and Bernard climb from out of the box, as Bernard stands on the cardboard flap, his hands are empty. It cuts and now the lantern has appeared in his hand. (00:14:55)


31st Jan 2005

The Rescuers (1977)

The Rescuers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The message from the bottle, written by Penny, has a couple of mistakes. When it falls from the bottle the writing is several inches from the top of the paper and part of the letter says "New York." When it cuts, the writing on the letter starts right near the top of the paper, and it now reads "New Yorc." Also between different shots, the writing on the note changes from being written in cursive to printed. (00:08:45)


31st Jan 2005

The Rescuers (1977)

The Rescuers mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The two alligators catch Penny and bring her back to the house. They approach Snoops, scaring him. One of the alligators still has the Penny's Teddy Bear in it's mouth. In the next shot, Penny is holding her Teddy. (00:40:50)


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