
7th Sep 2005

Beetlejuice (1988)

Continuity mistake: When the house starts shaking, we see a shot of Adam roll over in bed with a blanket wrapped around his body. In the next shot the blanket is in a totally different position around him. (00:12:45)


7th Sep 2005

Beetlejuice (1988)

Continuity mistake: Adam draws the chalk door on the wall, and next to the door there is a long wooden pole. But in the next shot the wooden pole has now moved along, to cover up the right chalk door-line. (00:26:00)


6th Sep 2005

Beetlejuice (1988)

6th Sep 2005

Beetlejuice (1988)

Continuity mistake: When Charles and Delia are sitting out on the white terrace, Charles holds a glass with brown coloured drink in it which is three-quaters of the way full, and Delia's glass is half full. When Otho walks onto the terrace, Charles's drink is clear-coloured and the glass is filled right to the top, and Delia's glass is now three-quaters of the way full. (01:01:35)


5th Sep 2005

Beetlejuice (1988)

Continuity mistake: When the Deitz family and their guests are eating, the bowls of shrimp are sitting on small mats. Delia and Charles's mats often change from black to grey colour, at random through the whole dinner scene. (00:48:45)


5th Sep 2005

Beetlejuice (1988)

Continuity mistake: When Barbara picks Beetlejuice up from the model town, in one shot his arm is wildly shaking around in fury, but in the next close-up his arm is now tucked in between Barbara's fingers. (00:59:05)


5th Sep 2005

Beetlejuice (1988)

Continuity mistake: After drawing the chalk door, Adam knocks on it three times, and then it opens. Adam then sets down the "Handbook for the Recently Deceased" and puts the piece of chalk down next to it. But later, when Lydia sneaks up into the attic, she finds the handbook, now with the piece of chalk sitting on top of the book. (00:26:55 - 00:30:10)


5th Sep 2005

Beetlejuice (1988)

Continuity mistake: When Charles is sitting by the window, he picks up a book and starts to look through. After he mutters "ah, birdies," he turns to the next page, and on the left page there is just a small paragraph of text at the bottom of the page. Yet in the next wide shot there is now another big paragraph of text on the centre of the page. It is meant to be the same page, yet it obviously is not. (00:27:25)


5th Sep 2005

Beetlejuice (1988)

Continuity mistake: During the scene where the Deitz family and their guests get possessed to sing and dance along to "Day-O," the positions of the black and white napkins, the wine glasses, the cutlery, the wine bottles in the ice-buckets, etc., change many times throughout this completely hilarious scene. (00:50:20)


5th Sep 2005

Beetlejuice (1988)

Continuity mistake: During the dinner party scene, the positions of the shrimp which hang around the small colourful sushi bowls often change. Sometimes they hang over the bowls, sometimes inside the bowl. This happens with Delia's shrimps especially. (00:48:55)


5th Sep 2005

Beetlejuice (1988)

Beetlejuice mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the dinner party, in one shot from behind we see Otho has very little wine in his glass, but in the following shot of him from in front, his glass is now nearly full. Nobody refilled it between the shots. (00:48:55)


5th Sep 2005

Beetlejuice (1988)

Continuity mistake: When Charles is looking out of the window, he pushes one slat of the blinds upwards, and then bird watches with his binoculars. When Lydia comes in and makes him jumps, he turns around, and this particular slat falls back downwards, into place. But in the very next shot this same slat is pushed in an upwards position again. When he sits back down again as Lydia leaves, the slat is back down again. (00:27:35)


5th Sep 2005

Beetlejuice (1988)

Beetlejuice mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Delia spray paints the word “mauve” on the wall, between shots it is apparent that the script of the word changes. One example would be that in the first shot the tops of the letter “M” are pointed, like triangle tips, but in the next they are more rounder. The writing also moves lower on the wall. (00:15:50)


5th Sep 2005

Beetlejuice (1988)

Continuity mistake: When Beetlejuice is in the waiting room at the end of the movie, he speaks to one man with a shrunken head, who does not reply. He then turns to the voodoo man sitting to his right, and he notices that this man has the a lower ticket number, so he steals this mans ticket and then throws his own ticket into the voodoo mans lap. But in the next shot the ticket is not in the voodoo mans lap, but it is on the seat beside his left leg. (01:24:15)


5th Sep 2005

Beetlejuice (1988)

Beetlejuice mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Adam has drawn the chalk door on the wall, he walks forward and closes the “Handbook for the Recently Deceased.” In the next shot, as he knocks on the chalk door three times, the handbook is now open. In the next shot as he steps back, the handbook is now closed again. (00:26:20)


5th Sep 2005

Beetlejuice (1988)

Continuity mistake: When Adam and Barbara are sleeping, they awake to a sudden commence of the whole house shaking. There is one close shot of the items on the mantelpiece. Watch the items. There are reels of cotton on the centre of the mantel which vanish between shots, and in the wide shot a book has appeared in front of one of the photo frames, which wasn't there beforehand. (00:12:50)


5th Sep 2005

Beetlejuice (1988)

Continuity mistake: When Barbara tears the top of the wrapping paper off of the present (tube of wallpaper) Adam bought her, in following shots the way the paper is torn and the way it hangs, changes. In the very next wide shot the whole of the wrapping paper is suddenly off of the tube of wallpaper, without enough time given for Barbara to have pulled it off. In following shots Adam and Barbara kiss and cuddle on the couch, and in one shot you can see that the wrapping paper had reappeared, and is still wrapped around the tube. (00:03:00)


5th Sep 2005

Beetlejuice (1988)

Continuity mistake: The distance between the picture hanging on the wall and the light switch wire often changes through the movie. Look at the distance between the two when Adam walks past to throw the spider out of the window. When Barbara pokes her head into the room in the following shot to give Adam his present, the picture now hangs right beside the light switch wire. (00:02:35)


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