
Corrected entry: On the opera house's rooftop, Christine, sick with worry and fear, decides to run away with Raoul right after the performance so that he can hide and protect her from the Phantom, and tells him to prepare his horses so they can leave right away. Then nothing happens. We're brought three months forward to the masquerade and no mention is ever made again of what happened to change their minds and why they did not run away. If she is scared enough to want to run away right away, not even waiting until the next day to pack her things, there is no way that she'll feel comfortable and safe enough to come back within a mere three months. While in the stage show, that was due to the hubbub surrounding the chandelier crashing, that event was pushed back later in the movie, leaving a gaping hole in the plot.


Correction: Nothing suggests that they didn't run away and then return three months later. There could be any number of reasons; Raoul doesn't believe in the Phantom at this point so perhaps he was able to persuade Christine to come back with him. Maybe Christine felt safer once she and Raoul were engaged. No one at the opera has heard from the Phantom for some time so they asked Christine to attend the Masquerade. Audiences would be anxious to hear Christine perform again so maybe that would be enough of a draw to prompt her to return.

Corrected entry: If Gustav Daaé died leaving his daughter in utter poverty, why is he buried in the largest mausoleum (which, presumably, cost the most) in the cemetery? It can't be a family mausoleum, since he's Swedish, not French, and the only reason Christine remained in France is because he died.


Correction: No-one in the movie says anything about "utter poverty", that's an assumption. Christine might have inherited some money from him, and besides, at the time most succesful artists had patrons in the form of admirers. One of these might have been a big enough admirer of Daaé to have paid for a grand mausoleum, as a tribute.


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