
1st Jul 2004

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

Corrected entry: The first movie established that Peter was mutated with spider DNA, that the changes in him were at a molecular level. Considering this, even a high level of stress should not be able to reverse a change that was imprinted in is own DNA marking. We're not talking insomnia or losing balance here (which *can* be caused by stress): saying that he lost his eyesight, his little grabbing hairs and his web-making capacities is like saying that because I'm stressed, my eyes will change colors, my arms will fall off or I'll stop salivating. All at once. Just not possible.


Correction: As the doctor explains, Peter's problem is psychological. Think of it like a major league baseball player who's so stressed out he loses his confidence in himself and can't home runs anymore. His body hasn't changed, but it can't perform for him as well b/c of mental problems.

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