
Corrected entry: When Ron comes to ask Harry if he can sit with him just after they have boarded the train, it is very hilly outside and they are in the countryside. London is a huge city and the suburbs continue for miles, so it would be impossible for them to be in the country so shortly after departing.

Correction: We don't know that it's right after they departed. For all we know, Ron may have been looking for a place to sit for quite a while, until finally finding Harry.


Corrected entry: After Hagrid did the combination on the brick wall, you can see, as the are entering Diagon Alley, that the bricks are with cement despite being spinning and moving a few seconds earlier.


Correction: It's probably some kind of magic cement which allows the bricks to do their trick and then become solid again.


Corrected entry: When Harry let's Hedwig fly to Hogwarts castle, the Quidditch grounds don't have stands.

Correction: The stands are probably only set up whenever there is a match. With magic, it's probably a simple task.


Corrected entry: After Harry escapes from Filch from the Restricted Section of the library, he is there when Filch comes to Snape and talks about how "that means there's a student out of bed." Snape's eyes light up and they all take off to find the empty bed. Unfortunately, nothing more is made of this, even though Harry then proceeds to stumble upon the Mirror of Erised and stay there for what appears to be a good long time. You'd think that both Snape and Filch would have jumped at the chance to punish a student breaking the rules, especially Harry, once they found his bed empty.

Correction: They don't take off to find the empty bed, but to find the wandering student - slight difference. I doubt that any of the three knows the secret password into Gryffindor or that Professor McGonagall would allow them (particularly the head of Slytherin) in it anyway.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Harry is looking at the book titles in the Restricted Section, he quickly pulls off his invisibility cloak. When he does, you'll notice that through the invisibility cloak you can see the book shelf and everything, except for the lantern Harry is holding. The lantern just disappears while he pulling the cloak off.

Correction: The books can be seen because they are outside the cloak. The lamp is invisible for a second because it is inside/along the lined part of the cloak.


Corrected entry: When Harry is 'talking' to the snake at the zoo, he is speaking in English, so viewers can understand it. We know that Harry is a Parselmouth (he can talk to snakes). However, in the 2nd film - Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets - when Harry is confronted with snakes he speaks in Parselmouth - the language we can't understand. Why is it that he is speaking to the snake in English, and not hissing sounds?

Correction: It depends on who's point of view is shown. Harry doesn't know he's using Parseltongue, so we hear him in English, just as he hears the snake. On the other hand, when the other students hear Harry do so, they hear Parseltongue.


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