
16th Jul 2009

Apocalypse Now (1979)

Other mistake: The comment about covert missions into Laos where everyone had foreign weapons and uniforms, etc., is bull. Many, many men went into Laos, fully equipped on UH-1A choppers with American gear. The recon teams were outfitted with American gear. I haven't found anyone that could accurately estimate how many, but a lot. A friend that came back from there said they had maps, radios, uniforms, sidearms, fully equipped choppers with rocket rounds, and so many spare barrels and boxes of ammo for the 60s they could barely get off the ground with 4 crew members. No foreign anything in choppers or teams going in or out for any trip. Not saying it didn't happen somewhere during the war, but it was not something that happened in Laos from dozens of combat vets I've talked to.


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