Jeanne Perrotta

28th Jan 2004

The Ring (2002)

Corrected entry: The time frame of this movie is somewhat unclear, but guessing from the age of Mr. Morgan we can guess that this all happened in the past twenty years or so. That would make the time of Samara's death in the 1970s. Then why are Anna and Samara dressed as if they're living in the 1800s?

Jeanne Perrotta

Correction: They're dressing up that way probably because they just want to. Samara was adopted from another country, so I guess Anna wanted to make her "Americanized." They live on an island, so seclusion seems to add to this.

9th Feb 2004

The Ring (2002)

Corrected entry: When Noah and Rachel reach the upstairs of the barn to Samara's old room, her carousel is playing even though no one has probably been up in that room in years. Noah and Rachel don't find this strange, not when it magically starts playing, nor when it magically stops.

Jeanne Perrotta

Correction: They are trying to stop being killed by a video tape curse, so at that point I think they aren't surprised by anything.

troy fox

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