Plot hole: Inspector Tarconi visits Frank with suspicions, leaves, and only about 30 seconds later a rocket hits Frank's house with associated gunfire and more explosions. Tarconi can barely have made it to the end of the road, but somehow doesn't hear any of this going on.
Jon Sandys
20th May 2022
The Transporter (2002)
6th May 2019
The Transporter (2002)
Stupidity: At the start, when the bank robbers pile into the car, Frank flips a switch and the licence plate changes...out in full view of the public. Given how well-prepared Frank is demonstrated to be, that's absolutely something he would have done in private, before arriving at the bank.
Suggested correction: The plate is changed after the robbery for a reason. By allowing plate A to be seen during the robbery the information will be relayed to the police that a car with registration plate A is involved. Swapping to plate B after the robbery ensures that police will see plate B and know that the car is not involved.
But the point is he drives up to the bank with plate A on display. The robbers pile in and he switches to plate B. So any witnesses have seen both plates (plus the fact that the car switched plates, doubly suspicious). Whereas if he'd switched to plate B while out of view in the car park, he'd still have a "clean" plate to use.
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