Jon Sandys

Corrected entry: Batman has 3 minutes to change out of his armour, get in the Batwing, find out where Martha is being held, fly there, beat up all the bad guys guarding her, and then save her - no chance.

Correction: He seems to get out of his armour and into the Batwing quickly, but we just don't see him making the change. We see the timer at 10 minutes when he's already in flight - given he just has to fly across the harbour, and clears out the bad guys fairly swiftly and in mostly real time, he's got enough time to do it.

Jon Sandys

Correction: We only know two pieces of time data: Luthor tells Clark he has, "less" than an hour when he leaves him on the Helipad. At one point before the fight starts we see the clock has about 30 minutes on it. And when Batman arrives he has 10 minutes left. The complete passage of time is not charted but we are shown how much time is left at various points.

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