Jon Sandys

Answer: Donald Menken, the Vice President of Oscorp, framed Harry for covering up Max Dillon's accident and has him removed so he could take over the company. By the end of the movie, Oscorp would now be under his control.

Casual Person

But he was killed in a deleted scene.

Deleted scenes don't make for canon content - it has to involve a degree of guesswork. Some deleted scenes happen, we just didn't see them in the movie, others are movie ideas that were cut out precisely because they don't fit the movie as released, so didn't happen. No way to know which is which, and this is just a thought exercise anyway.

Jon Sandys

So this is possible that, at the end of this movie, Menken is still alive, right?

He is very much alive. I saw the deleted scene where he was killed, and this scene contained a lot of bad CGI, so it's definitely not canon.

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