Barry W. Blaustein: I could never get over the fact that guys could beat the crap out of each other in the ring, and be friendly outside of it. Some of Terry's most famous matches were against a man twenty years his junior: Mick Foley. Over the years, Mick and Terry had traveled the world, setting each other on fire, tossing each other into barbed wire. Yet outside the ring, they were truly at peace with one another.
![Beyond the Mat](/images/titles/4000-4999/4615_sm.jpg)
Beyond the Mat (1999)
Directed by: Barry W. Blaustein
Starring: Barry W. Blaustein, Vince McMahon, Jake Roberts, Jim Bell, Jim Ross, Mick Foley, Terry Funk
Genres: Documentary, Sport
Jake Roberts: I'm going to make you beg. You're going to get down on your hands and knees. You will be the one that grovels for the money. And how appropriate... that the money you grovel for is your very own. Wallowing in the muck of avarice.
Paul Heyman: Tonight, we have a chance to say, 'Yeah, you're right. We're too extreme. We're too wild. We're too out of control. We're too full of our own shit.' Or we have a chance to say, 'Hey, fuck you, you're wrong! Fuck you, we're right!' Because you have all made it to the dance. 'Cause believe me, this is the dance.
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