The Portable Door

Continuity mistake: The position of the pamphlet display on the side table changes a few times after Paul sits on the couch. The pamphlets are near the upper right-hand corner of the table before Paul sits, and then the pamphlets are behind the lamp, towards the rear-center. The pamphlets are in the upper left-hand corner, then suddenly in the upper right-hand corner (where they start) when Paul removes one from the display. The location and angle of the lamp shade also vary. (00:09:00 - 00:09:25)


Dennis Tanner: You might be excited about working here. That would be a mistake. You are the lowest of the low, Mr. Carpenter.

Dennis Tanner: Did I give you permission to be down here? Let me think! No. I did not!

Paul Carpenter: Is that what you do here? Make people fall in love?
Humphrey Wells: Yeah, fall in love, divorce, discover gravity, move cities, invent combustion engines, try a new café.

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