Robert: This is really bad. Once your face is in their system they got you. Fines, 401k, home equity. But maybe you want all that. I don't know. Me, I prefer to just skim.
Old Dolio: So do I.
Robert: Do you? Oh, that's interesting. Because most people want to be Kajillionaires. That's the dream. That's how they get you hooked. Hooked on sugar. Hooked on caffeine. Ha, ha, ha. Cry, cry, cry.

Kajillionaire (2020)
Directed by: Miranda July
Starring: Richard Jenkins, Evan Rachel Wood, Debra Winger
Old Dolio: Life is... nothing. Just let it go without really thinking about it. Like you're letting go of a... piece of string. Just let it... It's not that big of a deal.
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