To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar

Continuity mistake: When Swayze gives the stuttering guy the book, it is a paperback. But later when he's reading it, it's a hardback. (01:07:05 - 01:09:00)

Continuity mistake: In a shot from the back of the stage near the end of the production number at the drag queen competition, one near the middle of the shot is carrying a small gold purse that's hanging open. At the end of the number, the purse is closed, even though she hasn't had a chance to close it during the number. (00:06:15)

Continuity mistake: When the women are sitting around the kitchen table drinking wine and Chi Chi comes in, they hand her a glass that is half filled. The camera is off of her for a moment and when it goes back, the glass appears to be empty. Then a few seconds later, she picks up the glass to drink and there is a sip's worth still in it. (01:21:20)

More mistakes in To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar

Sheriff Dollard: When the founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, what have you. "Liberty and justice for all", they didn't mean that.
Farmer: I can tell you one thing about them founding fathers of America.
Sheriff Dollard: What's that?
Farmer: They sure had fabulous wigs.

Vida Boheme: I think tomorrow is a "Say Something" hat day.

Miss Chi-Chi Rodriguez: Live life before it lives you.

More quotes from To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar

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