Goldeneye 007

25 mistakes - chronological order

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Other mistake: Some enemies wear cloth hats. If you shoot the hat it will fly off. Look at the hat on the ground. Where you shot it, it shows a metal bullet hole, on a cloth hat.

Quantom X

Bug: Vent shafts and grates can be passed through like they don't exist.

Quantom X

Bug: In the Aztec bonus mission, you can trick Jaws easily by leading him to the stairs room. He can't see past the sides of the stairs, as if there is a wall there. You can shoot him, and he moves, but he can't see or shoot at you unless he is on the same set of stairs as you.

Quantom X

Bug: Turn on the cheat for infinite ammo, and all weapons. Then go to any level that has a safe in it. Go to the safe and get the item out of the safe, then throw a mine into the safe where the item was. The game will instantly freeze.

Quantom X

Factual error: Items in this game such as chairs and keyboards will explode with deadly force when shot with regular guns.

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: No matter what character is chosen in multiplayer, it will always have Bond's hands.

Bug: If the player uses invincibility cheat on Silo level and sets off a plastique or let the one minute timer run out, a huge fireball will follow Bond from then on. This will even kill any enemy Bond is passing by.

Bug: If the player uses all guns cheat on any level and switches to the double moonrakers, pressing A, then Z and A, then releasing them and holding Z will make Bond 3-handed (Bond will have a moonraker laser - which needs one hand - combined with a watch laser - which needs two hands).

Bug: If you go to the first level, the Dam, place a remote mine on all of the explosive metal barrels inside the dam. Then throw three grenades and fire a rocket. The game freezes.

Quantom X

Bug: If you use the License to Kill on any multiplayer map, have two people looking at each other. Have one player hit the start button to take the screen to the "pause menu" and find the pause option, but do not hit start. Then have the second person shoot their gun and hit the start button on the first person's control at the exact same time to pause the game. This will cause the game to freeze like that, but by pressing start you can exit to the menu. Also, if you are a second too soon when shooting, the player who fires can see their gun go through the firing motion as the screen pauses, but no bullets come out.

Quantom X

Bug: If you turn on the cheat Tiny Bond and go to the Cradle level, go to the part where you "finish the job." Crouch and slowly walk off the side. This tricks the game into thinking you fell off so you will be unable to move or see your ammo, so you're just stuck in the air. Only way to fix is to reset the game or wait for Trevelyan's men to kill you.

Quantom X

Bug: Play the Aztec level with mines turned on. Once you upload the launch code for the shuttle and are waiting for the timer to hit zero, throw some time mines at the shuttle. Once the time runs out for the ship to launch, the game will freeze and be left on a blank screen.

Quantom X

Bug: During a multiplayer match in Archives, if you go to one of the breakable glass windows in the cubicle like rooms, place a mine on one side of the glass. The go to the other side of the glass and place a mine on the back side of the other mine. Then shoot out the glass so that the mines are floating in the air. If you place another mine on the floating mines, the game will instantly freeze and crash.

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: In a few levels, Natalia will have a Cougar Magnum she uses to assist you in killing the enemy. A Cougar Magnum is a high powered revolver. When Bond uses it in a level, or any character uses it in multiplayer, it will shoot through doors, items, and even people. It can hit multiple targets this way. But when Natalia is using the very same gun in the one player levels, it does not shoot through things. Two enemies can be lined up. If Bond shoots the one in front, it'll pass through and kill both of them. If Natalia shoots the same way, it only hits the guy in the front.

Quantom X

Bug: In some levels, such as Control, Natalia is seen holding a Cougar Magnum in one hand. A very high powered revolver pistol. In some levels, there are times she will go to a computer and type on the keyboard. If it's a level where she has her gun, it is still in her hand as she types. It's comical to see her fist balled around the gun's handle, yet her hand going all over they keyboard and the gun even passing through the computer at times.

Quantom X

Bug: On the second Surface level, go into the radar dish building and go to the top area. If you manage to get the alarm to sound, step out onto the side balcony and look down. There will be a special forces team dressed in blue and wearing glasses waiting outside by the doors for you, just standing there. Disturb them by shooting or throwing a grenade or something. They will begin just running around in circles and against the building's wall trying to get in to kill you. There is a door right beside them, but they can't figure out how to get in. Occasionally, one will get close enough to the door to figure it out and go in, but most get stuck. A similar glitch can sometimes happen on the first Surface level.

Quantom X

Other mistake: For enemies wearing hats, except those with metal helmets, if you shoot the hat, even at an angle where it would still hit the head, the bullet won't pass through simple cloth and won't hurt the enemy. The hat just flies off. The exception is when using guns like the Cougar Magnum or PC 90 that pass through walls and doors.

Quantom X

Other mistake: In the Jungle level you fight Xenia. Before she gets to you, she or you have to cross a rope bridge over a canyon. Xenia cannot see over the sides, despite it being just a rope bridge. You can stand to the side and just blast away at her as she crosses and she can't see you till she's on your side. If you move to the opening of the bridge, she can suddenly see you and will start shooting. But she can't see past the sides of the bridge.

Quantom X

Factual error: Bullet holes by all guns look the same. Even the Watch Laser and Moonraker Laser make bullet holes identical to other guns. The Tazer even makes bullet holes.

Quantom X

Bug: This glitch can happen on most levels with doors, but is most noticeable on Faculty. When solders are chasing you and you go behind a door which shuts, the enemies try to open it but are often still running in place at the door. From the other side, many times you can see their faces penetrating the doors or walls as they attempt to go through. Is especially funny on doors they can't open. Just constant faces bouncing around on a door or wall.

Quantom X

Alec Travelian: For England, James?
James Bond: For England, Alec.

Quantom X

More quotes from Goldeneye 007

Trivia: The first level, Dam, was originally going to be bigger. Another part was in construction when the idea was abandoned. If you stand on the dock of the dam overlooking the water side and use the sniper riffle, it is possible to see another guard tower across the water in the distance. That is the unfinished part of the level.

Quantom X

More trivia for Goldeneye 007

Question: After killing Xenia in the Jungle level, you get to dual wield an RCP 90 and a grenade launcher. Other than when using cheat codes, why is this the only time you can wield 2 different weapons at the same time?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: In normal gameplay, yes, this is the only level where you can dual wield two different weapons.


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