Bug: Sometimes when exiting a building, a random plane will fall from the sky and explode near by. It seems to happen more often in cities. It seems to happen most when leaving a Burger Shot in San Fierro. This is a rare glitch. I have even had the plane kill me a couple times.

Quantom X

Bug: Go into 2 player mode, and let player 2 pull out the Katana. If player 2 turns on CJ and kills him with that sword in such a way that his head is cut off, he will respawn in 1 player mode with no head. Just a neck stub with blood constantly spurting out. You can walk around and continue on as headless CJ until the game is reset. All of CJ's spoken lines are cut off after just a couple sounds as well once this happens.

Quantom X

Bug: After bailing out of a plane, it will just stop dead in the air and fall straight down, defying every law of momentum.

Quantom X

Bug: (PS2 version only) In Los Santos, there are 2 houses on the north side of town built on hills. Go investigating and one of the houses (I'm not sure which one) in the backyard area has a pool with the back area walls made entirely of windows. Go to where the windows meet at the corner and you will glitch (go through) the windows and fall through nothingness for about 5-10 seconds before safely landing on a street corner 5 blocks away. This can also be done with a bicycle or motorcycle provided you get it to the window. This glitch has been fixed on the Xbox (GTA: Trilogy) version and cannot be done on that copy.

Bug: Don't know what causes this glitch. But on very rare occasions if you go into a Trans Fender body shop with gang members in your car, sometimes one will be standing outside your car in the body shop and just talk while you customize the vehicle. Once you leave Trans Fender, he just vanishes, not in your car either. He's just gone.

Quantom X

Bug: PS3 Remastered edition: On the mission "Wrong Side Of The Tracks", if you fail and select to retry the mission and skip the first cutscene, CJ will ask Smoke where to go. However Smoke won't reply until at the destination, and some of the buildings will be blurred when driving by.


Bug: When attacking people in a restaurant, some of them that are sitting will slump over and 'die' with their heads on the table. Yet they are still alive in the game. But you can't lock on to them. You can't kill or hurt them ether. Blood splats, but nothing else. Punching, using melee weapons, shooting, using the chain saw, and even throwing grenades of other uses of explosives doesn't do a thing to them but splatter a little blood. Yet this supposedly 'dead' person will still talk to you if you bump them. Sometimes they'll still do the random compliment or insult and you can still have CJ respond to them.

Quantom X

More mistakes in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Cluckin' Bell Cashier: Hope you choke a doodle doo.

Quantom X

More quotes from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Trivia: If you complete all the Taxi missions, you get rewarded with an awesome mod on all taxis. Now, any taxi anywhere in the game has NOS, and has the ability to jump by pressing R3 (or XBox equivalent).

Quantom X

More trivia for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

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