Question: Listen closely to this audio. Https:// The subtitles in the game show that he says; "All UAC employees are subject to regular Med-Checks to ensure their production capabilities are not degraded." However when listening to it... to me it sounds like he's saying "That" instead of "Their." I've listened to it over and over trying to decipher if the word he uses is "That" or "Their." I think there is a mistake here in the game with the subtitle using the wrong word... However I can't be certain. Is this guy saying "That" or "Their"? What do you think?
Question: When VEGA starts giving Doomguy the report on the facility casualties after Dr Hayden tells him to, I picked up on a couple number references in what he says. His lines are thus... "61,337 UAC members deceased, 81% of the facility is on lockdown, demonic presence through the Mars installation is critical. According to the records, Dr. Hayden, the invasion originated in the Lazarus Facility. It seems that a Hellwave was activated transforming 64% of all UAC employees into the creatures you see roaming through the facility. The rest were killed by the demons released from cells by Olivia Pierce." 61,1337 seems to be a reference/joke to the number 1337 being Leet, or elite with the 6 as a demonic figure. Demon Elite. And then the 64% seems to be a reference to doom 64. So what's the significance of the 81% number then? Or are these numbers all just a coincidence?
Answer: Another thing I've noticed is that if you add up all the individual numbers in 61,337 and then reverse the two letters you get 20 and 16. Both together is 2016, the year the film was released. Could be a coincidence but I doubt it.
Answer: The original "Castle Wolfenstein" was released in 1981. The popular "Wolfenstein 3D" was released in 1992 by Id Software, and gained them significant credibility.
Answer: Sounds like "their" to me. The accent and rolling into the "production" means I can see it could go either way, but it's certainly not definitively "that" enough to be a mistake, I'd say.
Jon Sandys ★