Question: An N64 game called Jet Force Gemini was published and developed by Rare alone, but this game was published by Nintendo. Does this mean that Rare created Banjo-Kazooie at their own headquarters and called Nintendo to publish it, or did they make the game at Nintendo's headquarters?
Question: Even though Kazooie is a protagonist, why does she insult some characters, including Tooty, Bottles, and Mumbo Jumbo?
Question: When Banjo and Kazooie take Gobi's water for the third time, he tells them he's going to the Lava World. Where is this?
Answer: From what I remember, there was suppose to a "lava world" in banjo-kazooie but never came to be. So in the sequel game, Banjo-Tooie, the lava world became half of hailfire peaks where gobi can be found, with a beard, after you rescue him from witchyworld, first, of course.