Superman: Unbound

Factual error: When Braniac's robot probe enters the atmosphere over Arizona, fighter jets attempt to shoot it down by hitting it with missiles. The pod is still going fast enough to be on fire from reentry. A missile could not have caught up to an object going that fast. (00:11:30)

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: Drones attack the Daily Planet. Jimmy and another guy push a desk at the drones and force them and the desk out the window with seamless precision. The next shot of the broken window shows that there is a 2 or 3 foot wall under it separating the window from the floor. The desk would have hit that wall and stopped and or crushed the robots against the wall, not magically hopped over the wall like it didn't exist. (00:48:00)

Quantom X

More mistakes in Superman: Unbound

Lois Lane: You don’t want people to know that we are together, but at the same time you won’t even let another guy talk to me. Seriously, it’s like I’m going out with my own stalker.

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More quotes from Superman: Unbound

Question: What kind of building was being raided at the start of the movie? (00:01:50)

Chosen answer: Most likely a bank.


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