Colonel William Tavington: Kill me before the war is over, will you? It appears that you are not the better man.
Benjamin Martin: You're right. My sons were better men.
Susan Martin: Papa! Papa, don't, I'll say anything! Please, papa, I'll say anything you want, tell me what you want me to say and I'll say it... Papa please don't go.
Lord General Cornwallis: Colonel Tavington, why, after six weeks, am I still here at Middleton place attending a ball in South Carolina while I should be attending balls in north carolina?
Benjamin Martin: Before this war is over, I'm going to kill you.
Colonel William Tavington: Why wait?
Colonel William Tavington: Let it be known if you harbor the enemy you will lose your home.
Colonel William Tavington: Tell me, Captain Wilkins, where do your loyalties lie?
Capt. Wilkins: To king and country, sir.
Colonel William Tavington: And why should I trust a man who'd betray his neighbors?
Capt. Wilkins: Those neighbors of mine who stand against England deserve to die a traitor's death.
Colonel William Tavington: We'll see.
Benjamin Martin: He cannot be held as a spy.
Colonel William Tavington: Oh, we're not going to hold him. We're going to hang him.
Hardwick: They hanged my brother down at Acworth. Every damned one of them redcoats deserves to die.
Colonel William Tavington: Quite impressive for a farmer with a pitchfork, wouldn't you say?
General O'Hara: My Lord, I beseech you. You must order the surrender.
Lord General Cornwallis: Tavington. Damn him! Damn that man.
Lord General Cornwallis: Fine soldier you are, bested by a bedtime story.
Benjamin Martin: When you have a family of your own, perhaps you'll understand.
Gabriel Edward Martin: When I have a family of my own, I won't hide behind them.
Miss Anne Howard/ Mrs. Anne Martin: You know who I am, Gabriel Martin. The last time you saw me I was 11 and you put ink in my tea.
Gabriel Edward Martin: Oh, I believe that was one of my younger brothers, perhaps Samuel or Nathan.
Miss Anne Howard/ Mrs. Anne Martin: It was you. And it turned my teeth black for a month.
Loyalist Simms: Massachusetts and Virginia may be at war, but South Carolina is not.
Benjamin Martin: Aim small, miss small.
Nathan Martin: Father?
Benjamin Martin: Yes?
Nathan Martin: I killed those men.
Benjamin Martin: You did what I told you to do. You did what you had to. There was no wrong in it.
Nathan Martin: I'm glad I killed them. I'm glad.
Colonel William Tavington: Would you like a lesson, sir, in the rules of war? Or perhaps your children would?
John Billings: There's a story going around 'bout how some twenty Redcoats got killed by a ghost or some damn thing, carried a Cherokee tomahawk.
Benjamin Martin: Aren't you a little old to be believing in ghost stories?
Answer: I think the one you want is 'Unseen' - By Craig Armstrong which is track 2 on the Plunkett and Macleane soundtrack.