The Dark Knight Rises

Corrected entry: When Fox shows Bruce "The Bat" for the first time, the hidden area it is in is undoubtedly located on a floor high up in a skyscraper. Bane later blows a hole in its floor - from the sewers.

Correction: Applied Sciences is in a large basement area. There is no indication whatsoever at any point in any film in this entire franchise that it has moved above ground. How can you have a hidden floor in a skyscraper anyway unless it's underground?


Corrected entry: After Scarecrow exacts punishment on Gordon and crew, Miranda Tate is taken by Bane. The next shot she is with Fox when Bruce Wayne is brought in and Cat woman fights off a couple of the mercenaries. At the end she is held captive once again with Bane.

Correction: These scenes are set apart well enough in the movie for the viewer to understand that they are not continuous. After Scarecrow sends Gordon and his crew to exile, Bane calls for Miranda over to him. Somewhere between this scene and the next scene, she would have devised a plan to goto Fox to gather info. After Wayne rescues Fox and leaves her behind, she would have gone back to Bane to inform him. Just because we weren't shown how or why, it doesn't make it a mistake.


Corrected entry: When officer Blake faces the cops on the bridge and forces them to shoot at his feet to scare him off, the ricochet line to the fired shots would all have pointed to the orphans standing behind officer Blake.

Correction: And apparently missed them. The officers guarding the bridge were so intent on keeping people from crossing that they were willing to put the kids in harm's way; it was just lucky that no one got hit. Also, a ricochet does not necessarily follow the line of fire. Depending on what it hits the bullet can take a different trajectory.


Corrected entry: Alfred was able to determine Bane's superior fighting skills and motivation compared to Batman's, while never having witnessed Batman in a fight (Alfred being always back at the manor awaiting any call from Batman for help).

Correction: Alfred has no doubt seen Bruce practicing his skills on a number of occasions, and saw the outcome when he lost to the League of Shadows just before they burned down Wayne Manor in Batman Begins. In addition, it's clear that Alfred does not want Bruce to become the Batman again; he keeps trying to talk him out of putting the cape back on.


Corrected entry: Every time the kid climbs out of the hole, the kid has a bald head, except the last time when she has hair.

Correction: Every time they show the kid make the climb, the kid has hair. Short hair.


Corrected entry: The police vehicles in Gotham read 'GPD', the police officers' uniforms read 'GCPD'.

Correction: Just the way they decided to label things. The people who designed the uniforms are obviously not the same as those who designed the vehicles. Many agencies keep the lettering on police cars as simple as possible; there are even those that just say "police' on the side.


Corrected entry: After successfully emerging from the prison, Wayne drops the coil of rope, where did the rope come from since it was the free climb that led to his success?

Correction: The rope was at the top of the well on the side. Bruce threw it down so the others could escape.

Gavin Jackson

Corrected entry: If the bomb was in a lead lined truck, therefore blocking the radiation from being detected, then the remote detonator would have been useless, as its radio signal would have been blocked by the lead.

Correction: It is possible that the trailer had a radio repeater installed to allow a detonation signal reach the bomb it was built to carry, much like repeaters in tunnels let you continue listening to radio stations despite all the rock or water between you and the station's antenna.


Corrected entry: During the chase after the stock exchange attack, Batman ends up flying the batwing out from an alleyway after being chased there by police. But it can't fly itself (part of the plot) and the attack took place during the day, meaning that even if Batman somehow planned for this, he must have just stuck the batwing in an alley for a fairly long period of time and somehow no-one stumbled across it, despite being in a busy part of the city.

Correction: We never see what sort of measures he uses to hide it until then, say a breakaway shed and "Authorized Personnel Only" signs.


Corrected entry: In the shot following the stadium explosions, Bane enters the field and takes the back judge's microphone to address the stadium. This is not possible because back judges do not carry microphones, only head referees do.


Correction: This was not an NFL or NCAA game, they were fictitious teams in a fictitious football league where the back judge has a mic.


Corrected entry: The first time Miranda Tate speaks to Bruce Wayne, at the charity ball, she speaks of her desire to "restore balance to the world"; which is a thinly-veiled reference to her secret allegiance to the League of Shadows and their signature phrase as repeatedly established in Batman Begins.

Correction: This is not trivia. This is a clue. If her working for the League of Shadows wasn't a MAJOR plot point, then it can be trivia.

JC Fernandez

Corrected entry: There's no way Daggett's plan to make Bruce lose his fortune and get kicked out of his company would have worked, Bruce wasn't on the trading room floor, the fact that terrorists seized the Stock Exchange would have cancelled and voided any trading that day, plus the fact that the trade happened whilst under terrorism control would have made it more that obvious that Bruce did not make the trade. To make matters even worse almost every single character and the news media acts like Bruce intentionally committed a kamikaze trade whilst the floor was seized.

Correction: As Fox specifically states in the movie, given time, they'd probably be able to prove the fraud, but that would need to be proven to the satisfaction of the courts, which would not be quick. You have to bear in mind that copies of Bruce's fingerprints were used to authorise the trades, copies that were made during a break-in that the police were never informed of and thus any subsequent claim of theft would be treated with considerable scepticism. Thus, for the time being at least, Bruce is broke and has to relinquish control of the company. Daggett believes that may be enough to gain him control of Wayne Enterprises in order to force a merger with his own company; he may well be wrong but you're overlooking the rather major point that this is not Daggett's plan. The real aim of the plan is to get Bruce to temporarily surrender control to Miranda Tate so that she can gain access to the reactor in order to weaponise it. That's all she and Bane need; after that, it doesn't matter in the slightest if the trades are proved to be fraudulent, because they have what they were after and their plan for the fall of Gotham can be set in motion. Long-term, you're right, the plan probably wouldn't work. But it never needed to.


While you are correct about them not needing the fraudulent trade to be permanent, the original mistake is still, for the most part, valid. If we assumed there is security footage of the exchange, it would prove that Bruce was never there. If we disregard security footage or assume Bane's crew destroyed it, they would have cancelled all trades made that day anyway because, for all they know, Bane may have kidnapped Bruce and forced him to make the trades under duress during the siege.


It would still take some time to determine this as trading was under way so it would take some time to decipher the legit trades from the fraudulent ones.

Corrected entry: The CIA agent (let's call him... Carcetti) tells the 3 prisoners that the flight plan he filed with the agency lists "only one of you", implying that he is going to kill the 2 prisoners who wouldn't talk. Carcetti then fake-shoots one of the prisoners to put some pressure on the others and - this is crucial - pulls him back into the plane (Bane realizes that). This now indicates that he lied about the number of prisoners he listed in the flight plan. The flight plan most likely contains all three prisoners. The CIA expects all three prisoners. Now here is the mistake: Bane convinces only ONE of his mates to stay on the plane to throw off an investigation, but as we now know, the CIA should have expected more and any irregularities should have set off some alarms. But later in the movie when the plane crash comes up, no irregularities are mentioned. The plane crash is regarded as an accident and the CIA took the bait that Dr. Pavel was killed in that accident. An alternative explanation that Carcetti may have listed no additional prisoners in the flight plan (and therefore would have lied to the CIA) doesn't add up either, because then the CIA would've wondered about that one additional crash victim that wasn't listed in the flight plan and might've investigated further (as they should have anyway, what with the "wings and aft section crashed in totally different places than the plane itself" and all that, but that's a different plot hole). (00:02:15 - 00:06:00)


Correction: It seems odd that the only two conclusions drawn here are that 'Carcetti' either had three additional people listed on his flight plan or none at all. Why can't he have been speaking truth when he said the flight plan lists "only one of you"? However, he's obviously not going to kill two people just because his flight plan doesn't include them; that would make HIM the psychopath and he'd be arrested by his fellows on the spot. Solving this dilemma would be a simple matter of radioing ahead, but he didn't do so to maintain the charade, and Bane began his attack before he could place the call. Bane told his man to stay so the crash investigation would not turn up any red flags at all.


Corrected entry: When Catwoman arrives to blow up the barrier to the tunnel, she puts her glasses/nightvision things down. The shot cuts to the front, and they are up on her head.

Correction: Actually she put them on top of her head and it doesn't cut too the front. They are still there untill she puts them on her eyes again.


Corrected entry: When Bruce escapes from The Pit, he is undoubtedly somewhere in the Middle East. He escapes just a day before the bomb was scheduled to explode in Gotham (which is historically known to be on the East Coast of the USA). If Bruce lost most of his fortunes in the stock exchange virus, how did he manage to get back to Gotham so fast?


Correction: While he arrives back a day before the bomb goes off, he escapes much earlier than that (dialogue implies that it could be as much as three weeks), giving him plenty of time to return. As for having no money, Bruce spent seven years travelling the world with no money to support him. He picked up some tricks along the way.


Corrected entry: In the beginning of the movie when one of the mercenaries demonstrates how he will shoot a man out of a moving plane, he never pulls the trigger and there is no muzzle flash. Also, the sound of the gun going off is a second late.

Correction: If there's no trigger pull or muzzle flash, how do you know the sound is late? I neither see nor hear anything wrong with this shot - the hammer moves forwards, so the trigger's clearly pulled, and muzzle flashes aren't always visible on film.


Corrected entry: When Gordon is captured and taken to see Bane, Bane is shirtless and you can see a scar down his back next to his spine. When Bane shoots the henchman and he falls into the water, Bane turns his back to the camera and the scar is gone.

Correction: The scars are there, they're simply obscured by shadows, making them hard to see.


Corrected entry: During the last chase scene Miranda goes from riding to driving to riding and then back to driving before going over the edge.

Correction: This is incorrect. At one point she slides over from the window seat on the passenger side to the middle seat which certainly can look like she is in the driver's seat at first glance, but she doesn't take over the wheel until the driver is taken out.


Corrected entry: When Batman and Bane fights in the sewers Bane takes off Batman's mask, but when the henchmen drag him out you can see the mask still on his head.

Correction: Bane takes off the right-hand side of Bruce's mask - in close-up shots it's very obvious that it's not the complete mask. When his henchmen lift Bruce to drag him away, we see the left side of Bruce's head, which still has the mask in place.


Corrected entry: The scene in which commissioner Gordon is being sent to death by exile the shot of him from behind walking onto the ice is daytime, the next shot he's walked two steps and it's night time.

Correction: No it is night time in both shots. There are lights under the bridge that are shining on to the ice. That's why Batman was hidden in shadow then steps into the light.

Factual error: When the bridges are blown up, some of the bridges are suspension bridges, but the bridge only fails at the point of the explosion. The main horizontal supports are severed, but large portions of the bridge remain magically aloft. The nature of suspension bridges means the remaining vertical cables and road deck would fail as well, resulting in the loss of the bridge between the two main pillar supports.

More mistakes in The Dark Knight Rises

CIA Agent: Now what's the next step of your master plan?
Bane: Crashing this plane... With no survivors.

More quotes from The Dark Knight Rises

Trivia: John Blake talks about "giant alligators" being in the sewer, likely a nod towards Batman villain Killer Croc.


More trivia for The Dark Knight Rises

Question: SPOILER: At the end of the movie, it is common knowledge that Bruce Wayne is dead. A tombstone is erected and Wayne Enterprises are executing his will. Since everyone knows Batman died, did Gordon (or someone else) out Bruce as Batman? Fair enough, they could've come up with a cover story for Bruce's death, but surely people would get suspicious if Bruce Wayne and Batman died around the same time.


Chosen answer: Given that no accurate records would have been kept of what occurred in Gotham during Bane's occupation, it would be very easy to claim that Bruce had been in the city when the bridges fell, been captured and subsequently executed by forcing him out on the ice, as had happened with many other socialites. Plenty of people died during Bane's takeover of the city, particularly in the final hours. There's no reason why Bruce would stand out among them as a candidate, and even if anybody did harbour some suspicion, it could hardly be proven.


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