Next Friday

Other mistake: Deebo's name is spelled with 2 e's, but throughout the movie the subtitles spell it with only 1 e.


Continuity mistake: In the scene were Day-Day and Roach are being interrogated by the Joker brothers, all of the brothers are shirtless, but later when Joker kicks the three girls out of his house he appears in the doorway with a shirt on. In the next shot when he continues interrogating Day-Day and Roach he is shirtless again.

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Mr. Jones: Hey, young man! You got knocked the fuck out.

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Trivia: In the scene right after Uncle Elroy showed Craig the backyard, Craig is going into Day-Day's room wiping his shirt. On the right side of the screen, A 'Player's Club' poster is on the wall which Ice Cube directed and starred in.

T Poston

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Question: What was Deebo in jail for? I know at the beginning of the movie it shows a flashback with the police showing up after the fight, but why would they arrest him?


Chosen answer: It's not stated, but most likely after everyone witnessed someone finally standing up to Deebo that people gained the courage to testify against him. Most likely breaking and entering charges (as he did at Stanley's house) and assault.

Carl Missouri

Answer: I believe that Deebo was arrested for assaulting Felicia. Debbie (her sister) would've been a witness. The previous answer is also plausible. Theft, assault, menacing.

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