Jack: God, we're pathetic, aren't we?
Angela: Excuse me?
Jack: Well, we're here. We're sitting on the most perfect beach in the world, and all we can think about is-.
Angela: "Where I can hook up my modem?"
Jack: Yeah, exactly.
Dr. Alan Champion: Will you be handling the outpatient care, nurse?
Angela: Well, do you mind?
Dr. Alan Champion: Visions of sponge baths dance in my head.
Angela: For future reference you should know that the living tend to interest me just a little more than the dead do.
Dr Alan Champion: All that you have left, Christ Angie...they've really gotten into your head with this.
Jack: I reckon you've got to try a few things in life without a safety net. How else are you gonna know you're alive?
Angela: Well, I take my share of risks. Uh-huh. Um, I don't always floss. I rip the tags off my pillows.
Dr. Alan Champion: You know, what's frightening me is, I'm starting to think that you're not delusional.
Jack: If you'll excuse me, it's, it's time to make the world safe for democracy.
Angela: You know the story. I thought I was lonely, and he forgot he was married.
Angela: Such a nightmare! It's like I'm not even me anymore.
Jack: Computers are your life, aren't they?
Angela: Yes. The perfect hiding place.
Dr. Alan Champion: This is bizarre. I haven't seen you in so long. What are we even doing here?
Angela: Um, I just figured you would be safe.
Dr. Alan Champion: Oh great, so I've gone from being a self-centered asshole to safe. Thank you very much.
Angela: No, I just figured that they couldn't, um, trace me to you and that your, your patient records are confidential, right?
Dr. Alan Champion: My patient records! Yeah, I knew I had my subtle charms.
IceMan: No one leaves the house anymore. No one has sex. The Net is ultimate condom.