The Kids Are All Right
Movie Quote Quiz

Paul: Just making an ob... observation.
Nic: Yeah? Well, I need your observations like I need a dick in my ass.

Sasha: I'm just saying, Spermster's a hottie. Is he single?
Joni: Okay, first of all - ew - and second, he's a really good person, so I'd prefer it if you didn't taint him with your whore juice.
Sasha: Fair enough, hairy muff. I'm outta here.

Paul: Hey, it's already hard enough to open your heart in this world. Don't make it any harder.

Nic: Look, we have to be smart about this. You know, if we act like grubby bitches, we're just gonna make it worse.
Jules: I know.
Nic: Let's just kill him with kindness and put it to bed.
Jules: I'm with you, honey. We're gonna get through this, okay?
Nic: I love you, chicken.
Jules: I love you, too, pony.

Jules: I wish you were gay. You'd be much more sensitive.

Joni: He might be weird. I mean, he donated sperm. That's weird.
Laser: Well, you know, if he hadn't, we wouldn't be here, so... respect.

Paul: Shut the front door.

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