Factual error: The Times Square Jumbotron has a ticker-tape message beneath it. Some of the letters have sections missing, presumably to represent broken bulbs. If this is the case, the missing parts would not scroll with the message, as it's only the constant switching on and off of the bulbs that gives the impression of movement.
Factual error: When the moon is regrowing, it destroys the ship (which is pushing it further into the sky), yet the moon is still pushed into the sky anyway, even though there isn't anything to push it. Even if only the cockpit was destroyed and the rocket's engine was still there, it still wouldn't have been strong enough to push the moon into orbit anyway.
Factual error: When the little boy drops his ice cream on the ground and Gru makes him a balloon dog, notice that the dog's ears are not connected to each other. This would be impossible to make unless you used two balloons, but it only showed Gru using one.
Chosen answer: "You have the face of a donkey."
Captain Defenestrator