Vincent Van Gogh: I tried to show a place where a man can ruin himself, go mad... commit a crime.
Paul Gauguin: With all your talk of emotion, all I see when I look at your work is just that you paint too fast.
Vincent Van Gogh: You look too fast.
Anton Mauve: Oh, Vincent. I'm sorry to put off seeing you, but we artists have to be selfish, you know. We have to save our ourselves. After all with each painting, we die a little.
Vincent Van Gogh: If I'm to be anything as a painter I've got to break through that iron wall between what I feel and what I express. My best chance of doing it is here, where my roots are... the people I know, the earth I know.
Paul Gauguin: I like 'em fat and vicious and not too smart. Nothing spiritual either. To have to say 'I love you' would break my teeth. I don't want to be loved.