Iron Man 2

Question: When watching Tony on the news, what did Anton mean when he said it should have been Ivan?

Answer: Howard Stark and Anton Vanko together developed the arc reactor technology that made Stark Industries so big and wealthy, and indirectly responsible for the Iron Man suit. But Anton got discredited, so his son Ivan didn't get the opportunities like Tony did, by not inheriting any of the wealth and recognition.


Continuity mistake: In the final scene when Stark, Rhodes and the senator have a picture taken, Tony's jacket is first buttoned, then unbuttoned from the same viewing angle. (01:56:50)


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Senator Stern: Our priority here is to have you turn over the Iron Man weapon to the American people.
Tony Stark: Well, you can forget it. We're safe. America is secure. You want my property - you can't have it! But I did you a big favor. I have successfully privatized world peace.

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Trivia: During the film's climax, a young boy in an Iron Man mask is shown standing up to one of the Hammer drones with Iron Man swooping in and destroying the drone and giving the kid the credit. Following Spider-Man's inclusion in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, a fan theory suggested the young boy was Peter Parker, which Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige and Spider-Man actor Tom Holland would later retroactively confirm.


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