Billy Mitchell: ...but competetive gaming, when you wanna attach your name to a world-record, when you want your name written into history, you have to pay the price.
Adam Wood: I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs. I play video games, which I think is a far superior addiction to any of those other ones.
Billy Mitchell: I've pointed out to Steve that he's the person he is today because he came under the wrath of Bill Mitchell.
Mr. Awesome: Everything would've fell right into place, but he forgot about one thing: About me convincing Steve Wiebe not to be a chump, talking him out of chumpatizing himself.
Brian Kuh: If anybody wants to see, there's a Donkey Kong kill screen coming up.
Robert Mruczek: When I have to watch that pile of eight tapes over there for Dwayne Richards' two-day Nibbler performance, that's 48 straight hours of paying attention and making sure he's doing everything correctly.
Jillian Wiebe: Work is for people who can't play video games.
Billy Mitchell: No matter what I say, it draws controversy. It's sort of like the abortion issue.