Massie Block: Loser, loser, double loser, whatever, as if, get the picture, duh.
Massie Block: Hey, guys. Somebody call the fashion police. I'm making a citizen's arrest.
Claire Lyons: It looks like Jenna's lips got a boob job.
Massie Block: You guys ditched me for no reason and worse, for Claire. That's like turning down, I don't know, Justin Timberlake for K-Fed. It's just wrong.
Massie Block: Vintage Ralph Lauren: 9.
Alicia Rivers: Well, you're a 10. You look amazing.
Massie Block: Wait, I lost an earring. Nobody move! I need to retrace. Fan out, people.
Massie Block: Claire, wait. You don't have to go.
Claire Lyons: Have to? I want to.
Massie Block: Fine. Whatever.
Claire Lyons: Gummi Feet?
Dylan Marvil: Thanks, but I don't eat sugar.
Massie Block: And I don't eat feet.