
T.S. and Brandy get married at Universal Studios. Shannon gets arrested after Silent Bob shows Trish's sex tape. Brodie gets a job as host of The Tonight Show, Renee becomes the drummer of the Tonight Show band and finally meets Brodie's mom. Willam sees the sail boat in the 3D picture thing.


Other mistake: The Magic Eye Picture that Willem is looking at throughout the movie is NOT a sailboat. If you pause the movie and find the image it's actually three rows of 3D shapes.

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Trivia: Both Brody Bruce and Randall Graves (from Clerks) have a cousin named Walter. In Clerks Randall tells Dante about his cousin Walter breaking his neck trying to suck his own d**k. In Mallrats Brodie starts the movie by telling you a story of how his cousin Walter kept shoving cats up his ass to get a gerbil out of there.


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