Trivia: In the scene where Ripcord and Duke are in the transport and Ripcord pats Heavy Duty on the back and gets his arm twisted as a result, Ripcord makes a crack about Heavy Duty having a "Kung Fu Grip". This refers to some of the earliest G.I. Joe's action figures who were advertised to have the Kung Fu Grip.

Trivia: Brendan Fraser has a brief uncredited role as Sgt. Stone, during Duke's and Ripcord's training. (00:31:05)
Trivia: The chase scene through Paris broke The Blues Brothers record for most cars smashed up on screen.
Trivia: When the Joes are in the pit, discussing their first run in with the Baroness, General Hawk slyly comments they have to find out her true identity because 'knowing is half the battle'. This was the infamous often quoted tag line for the G.I. Joe PSA commercials that aired after each episode of the 1980's cartoon series. (00:17:50)
Answer: He was seeing some of the first footage of experiments with the Nanobots by Dr. Mindbender. And the whole plot of the movie is about him using them weaponized and for replacing the president.
Quantom X ★