Maurice: It's oaky... Oh, yeah, and smoky. I detect... bacon fat... laced with honey melon.
Jim Barrett: Why don't I like you?
Steven Spurrier: Because you think I'm an arsehole. And I'm not, really. I'm just British and, well... you're not.
Steven Spurrier: Great wine is great art, my friend. I am, in effect, a shepherd... whose mission is to offer the public another form of great art and to guide its appreciation thereof.
Maurice: Well, a shepherd... by definition, needs a flock. And a business, by necessity... needs customers.
Steven Spurrier: So, if I were to subscribe to that proviso would you be considered a customer?
Maurice: No. No, I would be considered... an enthusiastic... advocate.
Gustavo Brambila: You people, you think you can just buy your way into this. You cannot do it that way.
Jim Barrett: Alright.
Gustavo Brambila: You have to have it in your blood, you have to grow up with the soil underneath your nails, the smell of the grapes in the air that you breathe. The cultivation of the vine was an art form. The refinement of the vine is a religion that requires pain and desire and sacrifice.
Gustavo Brambila: She liked my wine... a lot.