Factual error: Near the beginning of the film, Calico is sitting with a cat on his right shoulder. Their reflection is shown in the glasses of a man directly opposite. The reflection shows Calico and the cat in the same position instead of being reversed, as a reflection would be. (00:04:30)
Factual error: When Bolt is in New York City, we can see a pedestrian "WALK/DON'T WALK" sign. In New York City, these kind of signs are a white walking character and a red hand indicating to stop.
Answer: When Penny is printing "LOST DOG" flyers, the last 4 digits of the phone number on the copier are: 8423. This makes the number (877) 504-8423. 877-504-8423 is a number reserved by ABC for movies and TV series. Calling it will provide a short tape recorded message about how fake it is.